Metal support beta0 released

will creator support metal, jsb and cocos2dx js?

If so when will metal support be added?

Yep, creator will support metal too, but it doesn’t use the same solution as cocos2d-x. cocos2dx js is removed in v4, so there is not metal support for it. I don’t know the time to support metal in creator, it will take moths.

So my situation now is that I am super worried about the future of this project we have developed under Cocos2dx JS and JSB and typescript months of work has gone into this project and now we are faced with the following options:

  1. Stick with cocos2dx and maintain JSB ourselves
  2. Port the game over to Creator
  3. Move to a completely different framework i.e UNITY(least desirable)

I have a few questions

  1. How much work is involved in adding JSB and CocosJS to v4? could any advice and direction be given to community members that also have the same requirement and investment in Cocosjs jsb, so that we could maintain JSB for V4 for ourselves?

  2. How compatible is Cocos Creator with Cocos JS/JSB, is it feasible to port a pure Cocos2dx JS/ JSB project to creator.

  3. How does Creator deal with multi resolution assets, Multi resolution policies and spritesheets?

I am not sure, because most API are compatible, so i think it will not too difficult. But SpiderMonkey version is very old, and it doesn’t support arm64 well. So you may update SpiderMonkey, and it will take lots of work as SpiderMonkey’s API changes a lot.

They are very different. Cocos Creator is component based engine, so you should rewrite your game.

I don’t know the implementation, but it resolves it well.

Thank you for your response, decided to go with Unity.