How to catch the name of the frame event?

So does CS and cocos2d-x(like cocos console). It has a hidden silent switch, which was discussed in the forum and they promised change/clearing up. But it’s just metric about your PC, not the created software.

Go cocos2d-x/SDL then :wink: It does not make a product out of you :smile:
If you want to avoid metric and “the human product” stuff, stay away from third party SDKs and roll your own stuff.

Ah, I missed your point. Your mystery was about the automatic binding to the implementation/code. My conentration is sometimes lacking cause of “multitasking” :blush:

They would need some sort of reflection in C++ like in Java,
To solve that mystery for now: it seems it isn’t implemented yet. They just pass a nullptr if there is no callback. The Nodes itself are not even implementing the WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol.

Node* CSLoader::nodeWithFlatBuffersFile(const std::string &fileName)
    return nodeWithFlatBuffersFile(fileName, nullptr);

Node* CSLoader::createNodeWithFlatBuffersFile(const std::string &filename, const ccNodeLoadCallback &callback)
    Node* node = nodeWithFlatBuffersFile(filename, callback);
    /* To reconstruct nest node as WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol. */
    auto callbackHandler = dynamic_cast<WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol *>(node);
    if (callbackHandler)
        if (_callbackHandlers.empty())
            _rootNode = nullptr;
            CCLOG("Call back handler container has been clear.");
            _rootNode = _callbackHandlers.back();
            CCLOG("after pop back _rootNode name = %s", _rootNode->getName().c_str());
    return node;

Widget* widget = dynamic_cast<Widget*>(node);
if (widget)
    std::string callbackName = widget->getCallbackName();
    std::string callbackType = widget->getCallbackType();
    bindCallback(callbackName, callbackType, widget, _rootNode);

bool CSLoader::bindCallback(const std::string &callbackName,
                            const std::string &callbackType,
                            cocos2d::ui::Widget *sender,
                            cocos2d::Node *handler)
    auto callbackHandler = dynamic_cast<WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol *>(handler);
    if (callbackHandler) //The handler can handle callback
        if (callbackType == "Click")
            Widget::ccWidgetClickCallback callbackFunc = callbackHandler->onLocateClickCallback(callbackName);
            if (callbackFunc)
                return true;
        else if (callbackType == "Touch")
            Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback callbackFunc = callbackHandler->onLocateTouchCallback(callbackName);
            if (callbackFunc)
                return true;
        else if (callbackType == "Event")
            Widget::ccWidgetEventCallback callbackFunc = callbackHandler->onLocateEventCallback(callbackName);
            if (callbackFunc)
                return true;
    CCLOG("callBackName %s cannot be found", callbackName.c_str());
    return false;

As you can see, it’s just returning a nullptr, if it’s not implemented. None of the widgets is implementing it.

namespace cocostudio {
    class CC_STUDIO_DLL WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol
        WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol() {};
        virtual ~WidgetCallBackHandlerProtocol() {};
        virtual cocos2d::ui::Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback onLocateTouchCallback(const std::string &callBackName){ return nullptr; };
        virtual cocos2d::ui::Widget::ccWidgetClickCallback onLocateClickCallback(const std::string &callBackName){ return nullptr; };
        virtual cocos2d::ui::Widget::ccWidgetEventCallback onLocateEventCallback(const std::string &callBackName){ return nullptr; };


It suggests it does automatic binding, but it doesn’t. You would have to implement the lookup yourself like in the example:

Widget::ccWidgetTouchCallback CustomRootNode::onLocateTouchCallback(const string &callBackName)
    if (callBackName == "onTouch")
        return CC_CALLBACK_2(CustomRootNode::onTouch, this);

    return nullptr;

This way you don’t need RTTI/reflection, because you delegate it in the code by hand. It’s just compile-time binding, not runtime-binding.

Thanks! I have to admit, that sometimes I realize that I posted a little BS and have to clean up afterwards :wink:


Well I don’t really mind if they call home about my home PC, I have all this stuff disallowed by my firewall. What I can’t stand is logging inside my running game on the different platforms after being released.

On the other hand, I don’t have neither the time nor the energy to create my own framework/engine again… when you get 40’s this kind of things are ussually not he kind of things you want to do. I spent my earlier game programming years making this kind of things thought :slight_smile: (Crazy times).
