Getting Started with Cocos2d-x as you are adding c++ support to Creator

I used to know cocos2dx just by name like 5 years ago when its support was pretty most full C++… Why CocosCreator isn’t C++ compatible? Also what’s the advantage, except the language, in using cocos2dx vs SpriteBuilder or viceversa? (since they’re both cross platform)

@R0gerBlack please, create another thread for questions about how to use. I plan to use this thread to document the process of add c++ support to creator.
If you have question about what I’m doing, please use this thread, otherwise, create a new one. thanks.

regarding your question, it depends on so many things: are you familiar with C++? or with JS? or both? what are your requirements? etc…

In the roadmap, C++ support feature was moved to Cocos Creator 1.4, then to Cocos Creator 1.5, then to 1.6. Is there any chance we will have this feature finally or it will be moved to next release again and again? Are there any issues with the C++/Lua plugin for Cocos Creator which prevent it from being released ?