Feedbacks of v3.0-beta

Ricardo Quesada wrote:

@Dawid: ouch. Probably we need to re-enable the emails. @Minggo, what’s the problem is people treat it as spam ?

I will ask yuhong to help to answer it. I like sending email too.

@Dung Ta Van
Please create a new thread for it.

I got screen flicker on my android tablet using beta2 like this

The problem is from alpha1, but after I upgrade to beta2, the flicker is reduced, but there still is flicker.

I designed the game and resources in 480x800, then test it on my android tablet (HTC Flyer).

Is it a bug?

@ricardo @gelldur @zhangxm
I stop email notification because :

  1. Every day I received many many send back emails said that user rejected ! So I think maybe many people don’t like email notification.
  2. Our web service provider may have limit of max send mail.So if we send too many email notifications, some people may not receive email notification. So now we only use email to active user account or something about user account.

But you can still get notifications in (at the top of page, beside of your avatar)

after create project, i see errors (in attack file)
please help me!

Is it a bug? x-value is right, but y-value produced wrong result

//My TMX File
//objectgroup draworder=“topdown” name=“Trees” width=“64” height=“64”>
//object name=“pohon4.png” gid=“15” x=“1698” y=“448”/>
//object name=“pohon4.png” gid=“15” x=“1624” y=“376”/>
//object name=“pohon4.png” gid=“15” x=“1703” y=“349”/>
//object name=“pohon4.png” gid=“15” x=“68” y=“64”/>

auto groupTiled = map->getObjectGroup("Trees");
for (auto sp : groupTiled->getObjects())
   auto dict = sp.asValueMap();
    auto  _point = Point("x").asFloat(),"y").asFloat());
    log("Log of xo = %2.2f yo =  %2.2f", _point.x, _point.y);

Log of xo = 1698.00 yo = 1600.00
Log of xo = 1624.00 yo = 1672.00
Log of xo = 1703.00 yo = 1699.00

One way to “fix” it is:

  • if the email to a user is rejected, then we remove that user from the email notification list.
  • By default, email notification is disabled

There is an ongoing discussion on this thread:

Hi, just wondering if had tested build it by vs2012 express version? tried TestCpp.exe after Build Solution but got runtime error:

Assertion Failed!

File: CConfiguration.cpp
Line: 287
Expression: !dict.empty()

Any idea?

@walzer what are the complaints about the new templates containers?

@l4u Because new template containers are NOT compatible with old CCArray and CCDictionary.

Please create new separate thread for issues.
I think this thread is not used for all specific issues.


I use Qt5 import cocos2dx3.0bate2 project. it is running well, when I use this code auto pLayer = GUIReader::getInstance()->widgetFromJsonFile("Buttons_1.ExportJson"); in my project , my project crush compile error.

this pic will tell you my errors, please check this pic and help me

Hi guys,

I saw that you changed some function names in rapidjson

e.g. MemberBegin is now MemberonBegin

Looks like this was not intended and due to some batch renaming.


Now TextField widget can’t support Chinese character input, I looked through the src code found that TextFieldTTF::insertText()
std::string insert(text, len);
will cut a unicode char into 1/2, and LabelTTF::setString() seems doesn’t like Label::setString() that handle unicode chars well,pls fix it,thx!

FileUtils fails to save data?

Please check my thread here:

Maybe FileUtils is not working because the tests still use Dictionary even though it’s deprecated?

Problem with Label rendering:

Setting the position of a CCLabel takes 2 frames to take effect. So the position is not changed in the next, but in the frame after the next frame.

Setting the string or color will have an immediate effect in the next frame.

Found the reason. We are changing the test and position within the notification node of the director. This is no longer working as it was in V2. Is there a reason , that the notification node is visited in the middle of Director::drawScene? Would it make sense to move it to the beginning?

fps counter is behind everything else if you use globalZOrder. The FPS labels have globalZOrder of 0. Fixed by giving them a very high globalZOrder.

The texture iD issue was fixed at .
The texture ID was extended from 18bit to 32bit. It will resolve the problem.

hi,when I use ControlPotentiometer,there are errors.

since beta 2 I can not detect more than 1 touch, EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce looks not working,
the same code is working fine with beta 1

auto dispatcher = Director::getInstance()->getEventDispatcher();
auto listenerM = EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce::create();
listenerM->onTouchesMoved = CC_CALLBACK_2(CTouchManager::onTouchesMoved, this);
listenerM->onTouchesBegan = CC_CALLBACK_2(CTouchManager::onTouchesBegan, this);
listenerM->onTouchesEnded = CC_CALLBACK_2(CTouchManager::onTouchesEnded, this);
listenerM->onTouchesCancelled = CC_CALLBACK_2(CTouchManager::onTouchesCancel, this);
dispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listenerM, mNode);

void CTouchManager::onTouchesBegan(std::vectorcocos2d::Touch* touches, cocos2d::Event* event)

int tSize=touches.size(); // tSize is always 1 :frowning:


Any idea? I read the same question from another guy without reply…