Farewell to our friends: Chukong U.S office is closing March 31, 2017

@slackmoehrle and @ricardo

Thank you.

You will be sorely missed.

Okay, okay, you’ve convinced me.

In that case, I will not say something like “It’s so sad” or “I’ll miss you”.

I say “Congratulations! This is a new stage in your life. Now you can try something new. A new job or try indie way or something else.”

@slackmoehrle @ricardo
Good luck in your future jobs , im sure you both will have great success !
From Cocos2d-x point of view it is clear that it didn’t met the business expectations Chukong planed for it outside of china.
It is great engine but every body using UNITY Because it is much much more accessible no one cares about performance or other stuff .
And in this Cocos2d-x / Chukong failed miserably over the last years including it new Creator thing they building.
But hey … this is (Software) life .


@ricardo, @slackmoehrle, best wishes guys… without you, wouldn’t have been no cocos at all…

Best wishes @ricardo @slackmoehrle. It is a great experience working with you. I learnt a lot from you.

Thanks @ricardo and @slackmoehrle for your work on Cocos, and all the best for the future.

cocos2d-iphone :wink:

Guys you were great :D!

so now I need full list of guys who have been working there so we can :smiley: re-hire them.

Lol. I think Ricardo has a new job already.

will he start new game engine ?

I don’t think so.