Does Cocos Creator 3 support m4a audio files?

In my project I would like to use m4a audio files when the game is running on safari browser.

Does cocos creator support m4a files?

I believe so: Audio · Cocos Creator


When I add them to the project and try to play them from the Cocos editor does not seems to recognized them or allow to play them.

I tried with mp3, ogg, wav and they worked fine.

Please find a file I am using for your reference. Any idea why we cant play them in Cocos?

What is your version?
I’m testing on 3.3.2. m4a files are working fine. (30.2 KB)

@muxiandong I am using 3.2.0

It is not detecting the file or can not play in the editor.

Thanks, i’ll test it on 3.2.0.

@muxiandong were you able to get it working on 3.2.0?

Sorry, after confirming it, version 3.2.0 does not work with m4a audio, because of a bug in the editor that caused the m4a file not to be recognized correctly, making it an invalid file, so it doesn’t work. We fixed this problem in version 3.3.x. You can upgrade to version 3.3.2 (I tested version 3.2.0 and 3.3.2), thanks for your feedback.

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