[Discussion][SOLVED] Multi Resolution with SD and HD graphics

Sorry,that was a typo.It should have been-
auto scaleFactor = screenSize.width/referenceDesignResolutionSize_16:9.width;
auto scaleFactor = screenSize.width/referenceDesignResolutionSize_5:3.width;
and so on.

The number of referenceDesignResolutions in AppDelegate will be equal to the number of aspect ratios which you want to support.Number of resource folders for background images will be equal to number of referenceDesignResolutions in AppDelegate since background image is loaded based on aspect ratio of the device.For other resources like icons,etc. you could load resources based on SD,MD,HD or UHD.

Yes,I agree.In this case there is no need to use setDesignResolutionSize at all.

I do not know about the Safety Zone concept mentioned above.What is that?In my case,I needed the entire DR to be visible on all android devices and not part of the DR.

But the width is 640 in both cases.

So many images, so much space.

This can be accurately calculated based on the chosen MRS policy.

Do you really need different UIs for different screen ratios?

See this

In this case the Safety Zone is 960x720.
In the next post, @catch_up explains it (for me?).
I am too lazy to explain it by myself. :slight_smile:

I will not write about the Multi resolution anymore. I will not write about the Multi resolution anymore…
If I say it enough, maybe I will believe it myself…

@Magniffect Multi Resolution concept is not quite easy to understand so says the experience of many cocos2d-x developers out there. There are also few developers who have very good and advanced knowledge about everything and who are very good at out-smarting what the beginner developers have shared and who try to show that their advanced knowledge is greater than amateur stuff shared by beginners.Well that’s how it always is.With experimenting and researching one can learn things quite well.

If I learn something else about Multi Resolution Support tomorrow I will definitely share it and I will write about it…it will definitely help someone.

I believe that this is a forum to give help and take help on any topic.Not to show who is smarter and who is not.

And finally thanks for all your wonderful explanations,justifications and comments on the topic.Great job.

I did not explain it by myself because he explained it already.
I believe that this topic has enough information to understand what is the safe zone. I do not want to repeat.
Then I tried to joke about the lazy. Unsuccessfully. Ok.

It was a joke too. Or not quite…
I know that this is a difficult concept. And I am glad to help. But it ends with a long discussion almost always.

I think that or I should write a big guide to stop incorrect understanding of this concept. Or ignore any topics about this.

I think that there is an easier way to show their “advanced” knowledge, instead of writing on this forum.
If my attempts to help are interpreted in this way, then it would be better for me to keep quiet.