Create 3D Arrow Shooter Game in Javascript

Dear Champions Of Cocos2d,

I was wondering the best way to create a 3D arrow shooting game in cocos2d-x.

What will be the best possible way, I had been working with cocos2d framework and I really like it, (I dont want to switch to other frameworks like unity etc for this game)

Thanks in advance.

We started to add 3d features in cocos2d-x a few months ago: 3d models, lights, billboards and other things.
Unfortunately we haven’t added JS bindings for those features yet. But the good news is that it is planned to add JS bindings for the 3d features soon!

Nice !

Planned for cocos2d-js 3.2 ?

hi @ricardo, wonder if you can make an status update on js-bindings for 3d… I checked latest version of cocos-js and the sprite3d test is disabled by default…

@cesarpachon to be honest, I don’t think we will even support them.

@zhangxm is that correct?

I am not sure, I will ask @pandamicro to take a look.

Cocos2d-JS has bound most 3D APIs in the latest versions, @cesarpachon you can try them out, we didn’t modify or polyfill any APIs, so you can refer to C++ API references

those are great news! I already started this particular project with Three.js but by sure I will look at cocos again for the 3d functionality as I already have a lot of utlity code to reuse between cocos projects.