Cocos2d-x and poor updates!

@smitpatel88 thanks for your information. Your issue seems different with others.

@Obg1 I run cpp-tests(the start sceen, not) on Xiaomi4, which is full HD(1920*1080) with Android 6.0.1, and its FPS is 60.

How many are you ?

@zhangxm try to run on a QHD device, with a resolution larger than 1920x1080

I know that this thread is about the problems with cocos2dx, but I just want to thank you for this awesome framework. I agree that all these issues need to be addressed, and soon. But despite all these problems, it is still a great framework. Thanks.


You’re right - it is great; and we want to keep it great by stabilising and fixing bugs rather than by adding features (or, more accurately, before adding features!)

@Maxxx @schngrg Yep, that’s what i do these days.
@Obg1 I will try to find a device to test.

Hey, sorry i was away for casual connect Asia. I have access to 30+ android devices, I will create a report of performances on different devices. Hopefully it will be of use.

Thanks :smiley:


As an user of Cocos2d/Cocos2d-x for more than five years, I have to say thank you for this awesome engine. Have released many games with Cocos.

Sadly I will have to say goodbye as soon as I finish my current game development. Probably I will go with Unity.

Why? Because I can’t guarantee Android users that the game I have spent 1 year developing will run smoothly in their devices. It’s not a matter of CPU nor GPU, my game runs 60 fps in a Moto G 1st generation. It’s a matter of engine performance, and mainly it’s all due to Sound Engine issues.

No problems with iOS though. But Android users counts by hundred of millions, it’s a huge market and I can’t ignore them. Many of them like a lot the game but they can’t play cause the sound lags the experience.

I couldn’t be mad with you guys, you have created such a good engine, I really love Cocos, but I can’t understand why are there so many critical performance issues for months while (IMHO) other second line features got the focus from the engine developers.

I know it’s an enterprise decision, but I would not give priority to develop an editor while the core engine is not tweaked fine. I think Cocos got a target user, and that user doesn’t really care about an editor. If I want an editor I would go with Unity.

Despite of this, I will be eternally grateful to Cocos and its community.


@ricardo will be working on the performance issues. Please comment here if you have any needs.

We don’t have any enterprise goals. Edit: We have partnerships with companies and there are companies that use the engine and have lots of games. We don’t target this market specifically.

Our goal is simple. We can to develop the best game engine possible. Along with this comes developing tools to compliment it and make your development more productive and less stressful. The issue is resources. We don’t have as many resources as some other game development tools do. We try to prioritize the best we can. Sometimes we make mistakes in doing so.

@jmclaveria I created an issue about Android performance: you are appreciated if you can give information about audio issue.

Hi there.

1- I don’t want to use 3d features on cocos2d-x. The size of Cocos2d-x v3.10-v3.11 versions are very big. I remember 3.4 version size is between 700-800 mb, 3.10 version size is nearly 1.5 gb.

So do you want to release a lite version of cocos2d-x? It would be nice.

2-The compiling times are very long after v3.9. I was creating a project prebuilt version before 3.10 version. But I can’t do that now. (Maybe you may add “-prebuilt” command in the cocos console for that)


Did you mean github repo size? The release zip file is about 400m.

I think there is already one. @zhangbin.

I mean the opened zip size.

Yep, you’re right. I fixed this problem today. Now I add “-t binary” tag when I create new project with Cocos Console for that. But I didn’t see any description about that in the help documents. Maybe it has to be added.

@pococogames Did you use Cocos, but not cocos2d-x before? In cocos2d-x, there isn’t a template for prebuilt version. The prebuilt template is only appeared in Cocos before.

I don’t use cocos. Actually, I like to use cocos console. But console “-t binary” tag fixed my problem. Thanks.