Cocos studio 2.2.6 very buggy on mac os

CC_FIX_ARTIFACTS_BY_STRETCHING_TEXEL messes up images in general. Some of them look very strange.

I thought about it, but can I use this sprite sheet in cocos studio? We’re making games, which are more static than dynamic, so I have a lot of sprites on screen and adding all these from code is not an option. Well, adding sprites from code kinds kills purpose of using cocos studio.

@piotrros I completely agree, if there was an option in Cocos Studio to tell the csb file to look in the SpriteFrameCache instead, if you needed it to. To search for a spriteframename. Then you could just load a texture pack then load your .csb file and all would be fine. This should definitely be a feature in Cocos Studio.

@slackmoehrle Who handles the new features development for Cocos Studio? maybe you could pass this along?

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@UKDeveloper99 Id you are using the Cocos app that comes with Cocos Studio, anyone can lodge feedback by using the feedback button. I can lodge this.

@slackmoehrle if you don’t mind, otherwise I’ll do it. But I don’t have Cocos “app” downloaded currently. Thanks.

Thank you! I didn’t know this topic was being discussed on the github repository. I’ve spent a lot of time on this too, so its good to see that they are aware and looking for a fix. And thank you for the advices too!

I didn’t thought about that. All I was doing is to use the Cocos Studio’s sprite sheet for any Cocos Studio need, then publishing the resources and then substituting the sprite sheet files (PNG and plist) with those generated with texture packer. As far as it worked for me, I thought that I would keep with using the Cocos Studio’s sprite sheet during development, and remember to substitute the files with the Texture Packer’s for release builds. Is not the best thing, but a valid workaround while this gets fixed :wink: