Cocos analytics

@Ronsku why do you want to use cocos analytics?

Awesome! Thank you @slackmoehrle, I really appreciate this!

I saw the new analytics interface and it looks very promising.

I would love to get my hands on the beta version of the SDK, how can you provide it to me?

I can. The team will provide to me tomorrow. Please e-mail me:

There are many analytical tools, but cocos analytics is very well integrated into the whole “cocos neural system”. I require things like separating analytics in different channels that cocos analytics supports out of the box directly through cocos creator. On top of this the new features like “custom triggers” that I see in the new interface looks really promising to trigger pretty much anything.

All software requirements are different and one thing that works really well for one program might not work at all for another. In general I like to not mix in too many different things that in the end will become a mess how all systems and solutions talk to each other.

Thanks for info