CLI Build on Docker

I read that thread too, tried to make a 1.9.3 version, but didn’t succeed. It’s really confuse.

But one thing that I know that can be done (don’t remember if it was in the same thread), is pass an argument or something like that, to docker, so it emulates an GUI, so the creator can run, an then the build goes well.

But yeah, sure, I’m in.

@zhiming_wu @Randomzord
I checked with the developer of the bitbucket cocos creator linux @ckhoo.

I first of all want to thank @ckhoo for even responding to me with insight of how he build this package. Pasting it here, hope it is okay with you @ckhoo

I started with the Mac version and a stock Electron Linux app.

- MacOS is a custom Linux flavour with custom extension so it’s a good starting point
- Electron (Open Source) is basically a template which wraps up an HTML5 app as an executable
- I built a custom package by combining the stock Electron Linux app with the custom content from the Cocos Creator Mac version
- Because the Mac version relied on binary executables inside the package, I had to replace all the executables inside it.

I hope this helps!

I think since Cocos Creator doesn’t want to properly support CI builds, we need to somehow figure out a way for the community to do this ourselves. I’m sure it would be much easier with the help of Cocos team, but something needs to be done :+1:t2:


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