Black pictures after a playing time

@yaxinhoo yes… The upgrade fixed it…

@saiy2k no ,i use 2.2.0 , but i got the error too.

it its the same as:

can anyone tell me which version fix it?

Thanks man, this was my case too. I use cocos2d-x 3.2 and was having this issue when trying to show a fail popup when Android IAP was not successful. In addition to your answer I want to mention that using cocos2dx thread to draw, you should have been meant GLThread which is different from Android UI thread. So we have to do something like this:

private void SendMessageWithParametersInGLThread(final String functionName, final JSONObject parameters) {
	((AppActivity)mContext).runOnGLThread(new Runnable() {
	  public void run() {
                       // here I use EasyNDK and mContext = AppActivity.this;
		  AndroidNDKHelper.SendMessageWithParameters(functionName, parameters);

I am bumping into this now as well. I am just now assuming that this is due to out-of-memory after awhile. I haven’t looked at memory usage of my app yet, it’s likely that it leaks. I use huge background images :stuck_out_tongue:

can you please share this fix in cocos2dx 2.2.6