AudioEngine vs SimpleAudioEngine, What are the differences?

this is what i know so far!

new AudioEngine

easier than SimpleAudioEngine
makes use of the new c++11 std::thread
can play multiple sounds simultaneously
can invoke sound finished call blacks
there is no difference between sound effects and background music(play both background music/sound effects by using the same method)
you dont have to preload anything anymore(happens internally)
it’s still experimental


simple and proven to work
as far as i know it supports: wav, mp3, ogg, caf, mid audio formats

my questions are:

1)- is there any performance difference between the two?
2)- what sound formats each of theme support?
3)- when to use one over the other?


Any advice would be much appreciated!

Hi. This theme is old, but current docs don’t answers.
Can anyone will answer this question?

This thread is duplication of the CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine vs cocos2d::experimental::AudioEngine

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