Wiki Suggestions and Corrections. Please Post Here

@ronaldv - I think you are confused.

Cocos2d-x is an API, meaning a way for you to harness the power of the OS, Low level stuff without having to do all the work.

XCode and Eclipse are the tools you use to compile and develop your apps with Cocos2d-x.

Sure, building takes time. How much, I cannot tell you. It is machine dependant and also what you might be doing on the machine at the time. Since I upgraded to an SSD, for example, my compile/build times have decreased 100 fold.


Should be to correct the part of the layout

h2. Policies

Now cocos2d-x supports five different policies.

h3. Exact fit

The entire application is visible in the specified area without trying to preserve the original aspect ratio. Distortion can occur, and the application may appear stretched or compressed.

h3. No border

The entire application fills the specified area, without distortion but possibly with some cropping, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the application.

h3. Show all

The entire application is visible in the specified area without distortion while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the application. Borders can appear on two sides of the application.


on the page.

May be better to replace this link Cocos2d-x to a link Cocos2d-x ? It is under API link on the main page.

@dev.loop.2d - Thanks. I’ll get this corrected!

@CatDisier - Thanks, I have forwarded that for correction.

@slackmoehrle Welcome. Thank you for your work to improve the wiki. :slight_smile:

By the way, today I found that the kResolutionShowAll, the kResolutionExactFit, the kResolutionNoBorder, the kResolutionFixedHeight and the kResolutionFixedWidth (which are mentioned here ) are deprecated, at least for version 3.1.1.

@slackmoehrle I’m always happy to help. :wink:

Is it possible to open the wiki up for direct contributions (even if that means it needs approval)? I feel like posting here is too much of a barrier to entry to contribute when you could just treat it like any other wiki.

Hi Jgod.

We are talking about opening up the Wiki. There are pros and cons for sure. There are going to be some software upgrades coming soon and we will re-visit this topic at that time.

For now, although a bit inconvenient, please post anything here.

Ah, that’s good to know. Thanks for the status update.

This page needs update for Version 3.X :

Most of the “CC” Classes are deprecated…i know we can find them in release notes but it will do good to all if that topic page is updated because every cocos2d-x programmer needs his game to have Multi-Resolution-Support…

OK, I have that on my list already. I’ve asked a few folks for feedback on what is still current and what isn’t


About my suggestion, i feel like we lack many documents involve in using lua, cocostudio, or cocoseditor. Especially, cocostudio is promising project, but i feel like it’s dead already:(

BTW, in this article:

when i tried the example’s code, i get error “access violation”, i assume at the time execute example’s code, openGLView has not been created => “access violation”.

When put this piece of code to AppDelegate.cpp, it work well

bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching() {
    // initialize director
    auto director = Director::getInstance();
    auto glview = director->getOpenGLView();
    if(!glview) {
        glview = GLView::create("Dangerous Dam");

    glview->setFrameSize(1536, 2048);

@nbtthief - Yes, we do need more Lua and CocosStudio documentation. This is being worked on.

For the article you mention. The chunk of code you provided is in all new projects already. Were you upgrading from v2 to v3?

@slackmoehrle - I found this useful wiki example.

Can we make something like this? I understand that you all developer at Chukong Tech very busy so why dont you leave the documentation and tutorial to the community? So the tutorial can be organized and everyone can give useful documentation.

We have a Programmers Guide that you might want to have a look at:

We are trying to ramp up the documentation efforts. We are currently talking about how useful the Wiki is and what items the Programmers Guide should also include to make it even more useful.

Wild wiki Update

The link CCHttpClient has Introduction misspelled as Induction.