Which audio formats are supported by Windows Phone / Windows Universal?

Hi All,

With the development contest in progress i am hoping to create a first release of the game i’ve been working on.

My former development was on the win32 and android platform and i used mp3 format for my music and effects.

However, loading mp3 files seems to fail in WP8.1. I was wondering, which audio formats are supported on WP8.1. I’ve been searching but cannot find any documentation on this. Can anybody please help me out on this one?

Looking forward on your reply.

Currently I believe it doesn’t support MP3, but it’s possible with the upgrade to the new audio engine in the upcoming 3.8 release MP3 will be playable, but that’s probably a couple months off. You can of course search the forums for audio engines on WP8.1 to learn how to integrate with MediaPlayer or a different c++ audio subsystem, but that would be more work. For now you may be stuck with using WAV.

You are stuck with WAV on WP, if you don’t use a third-party library.

I have used Hekkus Sound System and it works pretty well. Highly recommended. Look at this discussion for tips on how to integrate. It’s mainly updating you project’s include folder and library folder paths and then statically linking to the lib file.

see here http://spaces.wingc.net/2015/02/24/play-mp3-on-wp8-with-cocos2d-x/

Use .wav format, usually the wav format is very high in size compare to mp3, but try to use short audio like loops, it will help you to go with small file size, also you can compress .wav in 8bit or 16bit (mono) it will also help you to compress the wav.
there is also one more issue with mp3, you will get little gap in start and End when using loop.