What is going on with login

please sort out your loging issues

please sort out your login issues

yeah this is third time. sort out login issues.

I spent 30 minutes entering same details and could not work on my project… finally using same details I got in… PLEASE sort this out. I changed my initial rants and raves but please understand… I am a developer trying to deliver a product. When I am sitting here nit being able to do anything because your backend is stopping me logging in with normal details then hell yeah im going to get annoyed.

would you care to elaborate? What login issues? Are you getting a certain message? We can’t sort out something we don’t know about.

Basicaly when you first run cocos creator and select a project it asks you to log in with your cocos forums account. Sometimes it seems that it just wont accept login details. Last night I was sitting here for ages trying to get in. couldnt do any work on my project unbtil I logged in.

Thanks. It should be the same credentials that you use to login here. If you shoot me an e-mail with your name and user id, I can ask the engineering team to see if they notice anything. slackmoehrle@cocos2d-x.org

I have the same issue here.
Also, on previous Creator version I do not have to log in with developer account (when I’m not connected to Internet). On v1.3.1 it force me to log in even when I don’t have Internet connection, do I have to log in to use Creator?

I have asked the engineering team why we need users to login. Awaiting a response.

Same here. Can’t log in with my usual credentials sometimes for hours. It seems there might be some DNS issue, as I am getting this error in dev tools console:

code: “EAI_AGAIN”
errno: “EAI_AGAIN”
host: “creator-api.cocos.com
hostname: “creator-api.cocos.com
port: 443
syscall: “getaddrinfo”

I have a (pretty dirty) workaround though: Go into dev tools by pressing ctrl+alt+i, then select the view pane containing the login form using inspector and set its css visibility to hidden. I know, I know, not good style.

But that’s my only way in at those times :smiley:

Hope I could help.

Can’t login too :cry:
My problem seems the app is not using the system defined proxy. No internet connection without proxy…

+1 on this. This was already asked a few months ago and we never got an official response.

Sorry for the inconvenience, in v1.3 we start using a dedicate login server and the offline checking logic seems to be buggy here. We’ll fix this asap and release update soon.

In the meanwhile, please use the following command line to launch Cocos Creator:


CocosCreator.exe -- --nologin


./CocosCreator.app/Contents/MacOS/CocosCreator -- --nologin