What features do you wish Cocos2d-x provided?

because now the focus is on 3.3 and 3.4 so there is a new global topic to discuss those, I think.

okay, thanks

Absolutely. You are correct. We need that.
The good news is that we are working on a Cocos2d-X Programmers Guide (@slackmoehrle is working on it).
We need that, and we are giving it high priority. Thanks for the feedback.


Wiki is a double-edged sword. I prefer to have a polished Cocos2d-x Programmers Guide, and remove the Wiki.
I think what we should do know, is to deprecate the Wiki and tell users that it will be replaced by the Programmers Guide in the short term.


@ricardo - I absolutely agree with you!

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Some kind of support for sprites that use vector graphics rather than raster graphics.

This could be done at various levels of sophistication but I think the general idea is clear: you would have several kinds of primitive vector nodes that could be composed together to make more complicated vector objects.

I would be very interested in SVG support as well

Are different kind of gestures are being under consideration?
I mean it would be good if cocos2d-x incorporates gestures also.

I wish for better support of windows devices that have 512 MB of RAM.
Currently cocos build (3.6 c++) takes 2 much of memory,

@ricardo @slackmoehrle Cocos2D-X Programming Guide +100500.
July 2015, finally i have time to contribute again to the documentation.
The guide now looks good and alredy sets a good basis, just needs more content and more concrete cases.

@Eschmelax Thanks, +100,500 is a lot!

I replied to you about contributing, thank you so much for being willing to help out! We appreciate it. If I can answer any questions, please feel free to ping me.

@slackmoehrle Sure thing, i’ve send you a PM.
Hope this will encourage more people to do the same.

Got the setup for GitHub on mac figured out now:

  1. Login via Browser into Github Account
  2. Fork the programmers-guide repository
  3. Now its available for cloning in GitHub for mac.

Finally clone:

Now i can use my favourite editor for MD files, but also CSS and HTML.
I prefer to work this way, its more intuitive and faster for me.
Commits incoming :smile:

if you are still looking for this, I can give you the code.

Would be awesome if the Audio Engine enabled setting pitch and volume of a playing sound effect.

I have code that does this with SimpleAudioEngine for iOS, Mac, Android and Windows Phone. But is SimpleAudioEngine losing support?

I am currently working on extending the new AudioEngine to enable setting pitch and volume of a playing effect for Android, iOS, Mac, WinRT, and Win32. iOS, Mac and Android are complete.

Will open a pull request after testing on those platforms if it works out.
Would be awesome if someone that uses Linux would add sound effect pitch and volume setting to the FMod implementation too!

Not right now but I don’t know what the future brings. Would be nice to have it.

Cocos2d-x Support for at least one Android IDE with Native Debugging

It would be great if there was streamlined support for at least one IDE for Android that enabled easy setup and debugging without having to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it to work.

Eclipse with NVIDIA Tegra used to be an easy setup. But the migration to using the cocos console and the disabling of CDT by default for the proj.android make it difficult to use Eclipse with GDB debugging (such as NVIDIA Tegra).

Current Eclipse Support Issues
When the Eclipse CDT executes build_native.py, it cannot find the cocos console, and then if you hard code the path to cocos into build_native.py, then cocos is unaware of system variables that setup.py defines. You can define those in Eclipse C++ Environment. But then there are other issues I have yet to solve regarding the console not being able to use the keystore defined in ant.properties. It can find the keystore ok when I execute build_native.py in a terminal or when I use cocos directly, but not when the CDT executes build_native.py. This all makes it is really difficult to do native debugging on Android.

Many people have posted to the forum to just use an old build_native.py that did not use the cocos console, but that is probably not a good idea.

Maybe Visual Studio 2013 Community with NVIDIA Android Works Plugin would be a good choice, but I have not tried that yet and have herd that there are setup issues there too.

Maybe Android Studio could be a good candidate to support native debugging with GDB?