Strange Node Error: cocos2dJS v3.0

I am working on cocos2dJS v3.0 and using chrome console as my browser debugging.
Please explain why such error is occuring?

I am having a Strange Error: Why?
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_name’ of undefined CCNode.js : 1259

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_name’ of undefined CCNode.js:1259 CCNode.js:1259cc.Layer.extend.update GameScene.js:262 CCScheduler.js:353 CCDirector.js:220 CCDirector.js:869
callback CCBoot.js:2005


You can activate the pause button so that the chrome debug tool will automatically pause during uncaught errors. Then you can look at the Call Stack below to find out what code really triggers the error, in the call stack, the fist one is the most recent call, the last one is the racine of this call stack.

In this way you should be able to solve most of the problems in your game logic.

Hey @pandamicro
Today I learnt additional thing of console from you…
I have already figured that error. Because it was hinting that I added Child in not correct manner.

I hope this way I’ll figure out the errors must faster :smiley:
Thanks a lot

you are welcome :smile: