Some android devices native browser problems

Samsung Galaxy S3, Asus Transformer

  1. When node visible is set to false, node is not hidden, but changes only its z-order and its shown under other nodes.
  2. Clipping node is not working at all.

Could somebody help me to deal with that?

I test on a samsung galaxy S3, but I’ve never seen that the visible property doesn’t behave as intended. Are you sure that nothing goes wrong in your code? It’s now possible to debug JSB apps on native, maybe that’ll help to figure what goes wrong here.

Thanks for answer! Ill try to debug, but i doesn't seem that it is problem in the code. On other devices works fine. Only galaxy S3 and Asus Transformer problem. I have one layer with 50% transparency image and other node with image, which is above the first one. When im setting visible false to node with image it changes it`s z-order and it is visible under first image with transparency