[SOLVED]Import Cocos Studio scene from cpp-tests version 3.2

I was trying to reimport the csb file of FishJoy2 from cpp-tests in my project to test how it can work in vs 2013.
I code this in MainMenuScene.cpp:

_filePath = “LoadScene/FishJoy2.csb”; //default is json
rootNode = SceneReader::getInstance()->createNodeWithSceneFile(_filePath);
ActionManagerEx::getInstance()->playActionByName(“LoadScene/startMenu/startMenu_1.csb”, “Animation1”);

I added variable in my library MainMenuScene.h:

cocos2d::Node* rootNode;
std::string _filePath;

I added the resources by creating each folder one by one and I kept them all in folder


When I debugged in VS2013, it shows error that there is no such file in that folder.

I added library:

include “cocostudio\CocoStudio.h”
include “ui/CocosGUI.h”
include “extensions/cocos-ext.h”

This is the error:

cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at LoadScene/FishJoy2.csb. Possible missing file.
cocos2d: fullPathForFilename: No file found at LoadScene/FishJoy2.csb. Possible missing file.
Get data from file(LoadScene/FishJoy2.csb) failed!
Assert failed: Argument must be non-nil

This is the screen shot of my resources I create in vs2013

I tested by adding title720p.png in that folder and succeeded in loading it.

The reader for csb has changed a lot, and the out put format of cocos studio 2.1 is not backward compatible… So I suggest try using studio 2.1 with cocos2d-x 3.4, and it should work. Sorry about the inconvenience :frowning:

so, this version 3.2 and 3,3 can’t read old version of cocos studio (1.6) which is implemented in cpp-tests?
okay, I will try 3.4
Ty for fast response nite.

uhm… one more thing
so I need to convert the “FishJoy2” project file (1.6) into cocos studio 2.1???

I hope there is information added in Readme.MD to tell us about this bug.
And all its requirement whether using cocos studio version 2.1 or 1.6 for that version.

You are right, @nite.
I have to use 3.4 and VS2013 Update 4.
And make scene in cocos studio 2.1, export it in csb (binary option).
This is solution I found:

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