[SOLVED] How to put sprites in arrays?

How do you put sprites in a global array?
I want something along the lines of

arrayName[2]= {sprite1, sprite2};

with arrayName able to be accessed anywhere.

I have found the answer here. One thing I changed was the first part. Instead of std::vector<Sprite*> clouds; i used std::vector<cocos2d::Sprite*> clouds;
Apart from that, it works perfectly.

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sure, that makes sense if you don’t have a using namespace cocos2d; someplace.

So that’s what it’s for, I saw tutorials using it but I didn’t understand why you needed it. Thanks!


using namespace cocos2d;
std::vector<Sprite*> clouds;

and this:

std::vector<cocos2d::Sprite*> clouds;

are the same. I prefer to fully qualify my types, but that is just me.