SDKBOX IAP, so many issues

The installer for some users does not work - as mentioned on these forums.
There seems to be confusion on what activity should be modified and what changes should be made.
There seems to be confusion on what should be in the file - static, whole static,…
It’s not clear where the json file should be - many conflicting posts. res,assets, resource
It’s not clear what applies to v2 & v3

These problems are coming up again and again.

Can the documentation be updated to include all the forum discussion and the correct way to install?
I thought this process was meant to be straightforward. That is not my experience.

I believe nothing is perfect, but it’s important that we’re keep improving them. Did IAP work for you eventually? If not, can you post the error and we’ll help you fix it.

No, do not take me the wrong way. I appreciate what everyone there is trying to do and it helps people like me, but when it goes wrong you start to spend so much time on something you know even less about.

Yes, I posted my errors / results on two threads, failed to get config file and minimum tool chain.

Thank you

Can anyone point me at installation instructions for 2.2.6 on android. The current instructions - especially the modifications you need to make apply to v3.

What is the last word on the linker file and sdk box initialisation? There is the instructions and there is lots of forum answers that are different. I have no idea which is correct.


Let me create a 2.2.6 sample for you, and see if it will help.

ok thank you maybe that is the only way, im still trying to make the mods as per instructions and all the forum answers

having re done it all again this is what im getting on init
08-04 17:44:37.743: I/SDKBox(792): class name : ----com/sdkbox/plugin/SDKBoxIAPGooglePlay----
08-04 17:44:37.752: D/AndroidRuntime(792): Shutting down VM
08-04 17:44:37.752: W/dalvikvm(792): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40a71930)
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): java.lang.NullPointerException
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at com.sdkbox.plugin.util.iap.IabHelper.startSetup(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at com.sdkbox.plugin.SDKBoxIAPGooglePlay.initWithKey(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at com.sdkbox.plugin.SDKBoxIAPGooglePlay$
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at android.os.Looper.loop(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at$
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at
08-04 17:44:37.762: E/AndroidRuntime(792): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-04 17:44:37.792: E/sdkbox(792): getFingerprintString(build): 0a0a00a0a000 00
08-04 17:44:37.822: E/sdkbox(792): getFingerprintString(androidid): eaeca02670d1fe5c
08-04 17:44:37.832: E/TrackingInfo(792): Failed to access wifi, need ACCESS_WIFI_STATE perms?
08-04 17:44:37.832: E/sdkbox(792): getFingerprintString(macaddress): mac-address-unavailable

Does your device support google play?

I created a sample for 2.2.6 with the latest SDKBOX, you can check it out here

The sample has a known issue - in that it cant list android iap?


Ok yes, it’s because a cocos2d issue, they do gets added, but all of them are black, so you can tap on the back screen and it will trigger IAP.