Sample Project to use Facebook, twitter, and send e-mails using cocos2d-x

We were on holyday.

`Franck: I´m working in Twitter version, It is simple but its not working right now. I hope It will be ready this week.

`wind Runner: I will push the files tomorrow

yup, thank u, i’m waiting for tomorrow^^

Hi Pipero,

What about the android version? we have to implement it, we might try to complete your ccsocialnetwork classes, or start from scratch. I dont know what’s better, maybe it would be difficult to work with someone else code, what do you think?


seems this guy got a nice way to do the android implementation for twitter:

I don’t manage to use it though. :frowning:

@Jesus: I had some problems with JNI calls with parameters on Android´s version. This evening I will continue solving the problem. I think its solve now, but I need time to test all details and improve the design.

Pipero Man: would be great if you used github while doing it, I’d like to help.

ok, thanks for the efforts Pipero. I think this project deserves to be included in the main branch of cocos2dx…

Dear pipero man,
I hope you upload ObjCall class use for ios.
Thank you very muchhhhh

Pipero, is a good moment to open a paypal account and accept donations I guess xD

This evening at 19:00 (Madrid Time - GMT) my colleague will upload it. Now its impossible.

yup, thank youuuuuu^^.
send 1000 thanks to you

Hi Pipero,

When do you think the Android version will be available? I’m interested in using it too.

Thank you very much.

Well, I surrender today. I cannot work C*+ to Java call in static or non-static. I have pushed the isInternetConnection function. It returns a Signal 7 error, using static methods and I don’t know why. If someone want try to make it run…. some help is welcome.
Obj code is upload.
If someone know how make calls from C*+ to Java, passing parameters and getting return value, please, check the JNIInterface code.

Tomorrow I will continue.

Well, here’s a start point: [[Plugin-X]]
For facebook and twitter, we need a to abstract SharingProtol.h

Dear pipero man,
when i posted message to facebook, my game is exited. :frowning: _

Did you try post url method(without using Facebook SDK)?

`Zhe: Thanks for helping the community. What do you mean with you need an abstract SharingProtol?

`WindRunner: The code is not working in Android. I had problems with JNI calls.

Dear pipero man, i use on ios and objccalls, when i posted mess to fb, my game is outed, please help me

i find more bugs: when i press :" post fb“, and i cancell, don’t post, and press post fb again, my game is exited too,
i found the bug at:” method updatemesseagelabel" :frowning:

yeah, i found solution, delete this line: " helloscene->getinstance()->updatemessagelabel, thanks a lot to pipero man, you are great man