[RELEASE] Cocos2d-x 3.8 FINAL, please enjoy ~

got new problem.
after I updated the Windows 10 to newest build 10547, I reinstall Hyper-V and
this happened.
It can’t be rotated to landscape.
Anyone experience this?

This bug happen to 3.8.1 as well.
Could it be the update which cause it?

Android 4.1.2
Galaxy note 8(1280 * 800)
cocos2dx version 3.8

ui:EditBox not works correctly.
When I touch the editbox, android native keyboard just cover the main scene without pan.
BTW, my phone(galaxy s2, galaxy note 4) works correctly.
Will the cocos2dx v4 solve the problem ?

I currently have a project using cocos2d-x 3.6 (hosted in github), what is the correct way to update this project to 3.8?

I tried copying the 3.8 cocos2d/ to my project and the game builds fine on iOS but not for Android.
I also tried running cocos new using the same project name but this gives an error since the project already exists.

Do I have to start a new project and copy all my stuff into it? I know this works because I’ve tried it but I don’t want to lose all my git history.

Just copy the hidden .git folder and files (.gitignore for example) into the new project folder too.

This is what I ended up trying before reading your reply and seems to be working so far.

I think it is the bug from Windows 10 build 10547.
I tried in version 3.6.0 it still gave the same error.
“Can’t be rotated to Landscape.”
So I just need to revert to previous version.
Thank you guys.


Do you have an example about implementing radioButtonGroup in to cocos2d-js, I’m trying with the folowing code but it say to me that:

“Uncaught TypeError: cc.RadioButtonGroup is not a function”


        var ControlButtonGroup = new cc.RadioButtonGroup;

        for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            this.spriteBCtrl[i] = new cc.MenuItemSprite(
                new cc.Sprite("#bControlOff_0" + (i + 1) + ".png"),
                new cc.Sprite("#bControlOn_0" + (i + 1) + ".png"),
                this.actionType, this);
            this.spriteBCtrl[i].anchorX = 0;
            this.spriteBCtrl[i].anchorY = 0;

            /*if (i != 0){
                this.spriteBCtrl[i].setPosition(new cc.Point(0,0));
            } else {
                this.spriteBCtrl[i].setPosition(new cc.Point(winsize.width /2, winsize.height * 0.207));


I’m implementing that in a layer.js inside the init:function (); and I’m using cocos2d-x v3.8.1…

some one help me please!!!

@pandamicro it looks like cocos2d-x 3.8 upgrades external spidermonkey library to version 33 but the plugin_jscompile is still using the old version which is version 28. I think you should update the dependency package for that and I found out that it was updated at https://github.com/natural-law/console-binary but the zip file didn’t use the same source.

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thanks for the reply @wiwing, Do you think there is any way to fix that? can you tell me please?

@vhenriquez if they haven’t updated it yet, then you can just clone the repo and copy the plugin_jscompile or other plugins to the right folder. Usually it’s on cocos2d-x/tools/cocos2d-console/plugins.

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@wiwing thanks a lot, I’ll do it and let you know if it works for me.

@vhenriquez: anyway the repo that I’ve talked about is the github repo from nature-law’s that I’ve mentioned above not cocos2d-x repo and I hope it works. So for the time being if you want to use compiler plugins for scripts maybe it’s better to use from that repo until cocos2d-x developers team have already update their dependency package

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Normally there shouldn’t be such problem, you can refer to the config file of cocos2d-console,

it’s pointing to the most recent console binary version

Both v3-console-12, so I believe there is no problem with jsbcc plugin

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