Poll: Remove Android ADT support

I use it only for generate a signing file, but it only need an empty project, nothing to do with cocos2d-x :smiley:

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camke with android studio: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/15676

will maintenance the proj.android need cost your much time?

no ,i still need and be using adt.please

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We need ADT support because some developers don’t have powerful PCs and android studio requires more computing resources than eclipse

people we still need ADT

I’m using Eclipse still

Though poll results indicate that it’s probably too early to remove eclipse project, I strongly encourage fellow developers to take time and migrate their projects to Android Studio, and more precisely to Gradle build system.

Android Studio is way easier and pleasant to use than Eclipse and if you are concerned about your pc power, you can just use command line Gradle build.

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Please do not remove the adt support. There are still developers who prefer the Eclipse.
Eclipse works like a charm for me, while the Studio has a little lag on my new i5. Next time I will buy AMD…

By the way, Eclipse now has a version for Android developers.

I always thought that the eclipse support will be abandoned. I’m gonna try this version looks better than the Old ADT plugin. Also check google play services version 30 I guess we should move to Android Studio but it doesn’t have C++ code prediction so sad :frowning:

New version of Android Studio can edit and debug C/C++ codes, and it is quick. Why not use it?

@zhangxm I’m sorry but I need some help I download and install Android Studio Version 2.2 preview 1. I was able to compile and run a hello world project.
What I did: run the command “cocos compile -p android --android-studio” Then I open the project in the Android Studio I can see this.

I already saw the video tutorials of @SonarSystems I open the folder of the whole project and I can edit the cpp and c files but when I try to debug nothing happens also the suggestions is not showing :confused: I’m sure based on what you say you can edit the c++ code without open a new instance of android studio. Thank you.

@OscarLeif I think you should apply this patch, and use Android Studio instead of cocos command to compile and debug the codes.

@zhangxm Thank you for you response. I was able to make the test It woks Amazing !!!
After looking this I’m considering change to Android Studio, of course I don’t use Android Studio a lot but right now with this I have more tools than eclipse (debugging finally). I also hope with this I can finally end the problem with android + google play services libs 65k method limits.
Another people reading we have in Android Studio.

  1. Prediction
  2. Debugging

Some people watch Sonar Systems tutorials before we need two windows to work well with this right now is like this.

I hope this will be added in the official release the patch is not approved but I’m gonna make some more experiments with external libraries I guess Cocos Helper will be amazing for this.

@OscarLeif yep, i will merge it soon.

Good news to read that you’re working on Android Studio support with native debugging for Cocos2DX!

For those who want to use Eclipse and keep getting updates for native C/C++ development, you can use my custom version of the ADT plugin downloadable at: https://github.com/khaledev/ADT
It supports native debugging on 64-bit devices and it’s compatible with the latest NDK version (tested with r12 beta 1).

Anyone know how can I add more sources files to my project in android Studio ? The hello world project have the appDelegate and HelloWorld .cpp and .h I try with adding the files in the Android.mk but nothings happens.

@OscarLeif you have to add them to your CMakeList.txt which is inside your projects root directory.
I think you also have to resync gradle to see them inside Android Studio

@TheCodez Thank you it works very well, I was able to import .cpp with .h Looks like there’s a limitation when you only want to call .h in my projects I always use a Constants.h to put the path of some audio files etc. Well creating a Constants.cpp and creating statics methods will not be a big problem.