POLL: How to best help Cocos2d-x users?

How to best help Cocos2d-x users with using the products?

Here are your choices:

  • Better Wiki, with more explanation for each c++, js, lua
  • Abandon the Wiki, but give us lots of tutorials like Ray Wenderlich’s site
  • Just document the source and generated API docs better.
  • Programmers Guide that explains the basics and essentials, in detail and provide a reference for topics.
  • Option 3 and 4

0 voters

well… i have a couple of suggestions and requests to say

First, We all seek to use cocos2d-x to develop great games but if someone doesn’t understand how cocos2d-x works then it is hard to figure out

we will only take tutorials to improve on fragments but we will be empty with the working of cocos2d-x which is the greatest flaw… i can say.

Say for ex - i used addChild() , all a noob user could get that the particular node is added somewhere and it will appear automatically, but unfortunately that doesn’t happen right… ??
things doesn’t work so…
in order to use anything, you need to read the manual (how to use)
but with developers, we need to know how it works rather than how to use. :smile:

things like. draw, update schedule all these things should be detailly mentioned
it would help, rookies as well as expert users also…

Second, it’s a suggestion that like there are video tutorials now in YouTube.
consider consulting Lynda.com as they make great tutorials for all levels of understanding
there is already a tutorial about building a game using cocos2d-x
called Building and Monetizing Game apps using cocos2d-x

which is pretty much out dated
like they release tutorials for Unity as Unity Essential Training
we if we can, have a Cocos2d-x Essential Training
then Cocos2d-x high level training so…

That’s what, i think should be added as a cocos2d-x developer… :smile:

i am not sure whether i could write this here. But I believe (my opinion only, no hard feelings) cocos2d-x project could focus more in developers beginner in cocos2d or not so beginners. With good API docs and i detailed explanation how cocos2d works, what i mean by how cocos2d works is: cocos2d’s internals, how it generates portability, OpenGL, game loop, schedule, etc. Everything important to create a game and understand the framework. those developers later can help here in the forum answering questions related to c++, javascript, lua, programming and games which are more simple to answer. later, with more time could add some concrete games examples.

i am beginner in cocos2d what i need to understand now it’s how it works and which function i should use to my needs and not some random examples.

good job for taking initiative. this is a start :smiley:

I say:

  1. Keep WIKI (but instead of incomplete snippets… make it start to finish steps on that specific topic @ hand)
  2. Gather some experienced cocos developers to extend the User Tutorials section of the WIKI
  3. Keep the same pace on development just those who’s job are to maintain the WIKI do these polls and get user opinion on where to improve
    instead of just hopping in and saying hey will this work? just to find out no one cares for it.
  4. Improve on or maintain better source commenting
  5. Programming guide should consist of diagrams and information on how the inner workings of cocos are designed and their intended use
  6. Weed out any deprecated stuff as quickly as you can I’m not completely aware of the process for deprecated stuff or how long you keep it
    I guess until the next stable release shrug, but so much deprecated stuff because of the rapid changes just makes it confusing to new guys
    like myself :smiley:
  7. Proof read for mistakes and make sure to clearly separate 2x and 3x
  8. Personally I thought c++/js/lua all in the same document was fine (how it is now)

Probably could keep going… but I say keep it all just basically ask the community before spending time on something that turns out to be a flop.


I’m gonna vote on one… but I honestly don’t feel right sacrificing one thing for the other… maybe instead it should be which should we focus on first and foremost?

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I totally agree that one. Wiki could be organize like this: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html.

BTW i love Qt and it’s so easy to find all information you need, looking at classes references, actually it’s easier than post a question in the forum and wait for answers.

I really like the release notes for any new version. Why won’t you copy it to a wiki and extend a bit? Also I would love you guys to stop adding new features and concentrate more on “boring stuff” like documentation, in app purchaes, social etc…

Those release notes were pretty amazing huh? Couldn’t imagine someone having such command of Chinese, English and the nitty gritty :smile: Without further ado just comment and publish was my initial reaction.

hard to choose between them exclusively - but my suggestion amongst them would be to improve the wiki - by filling it with tutorials!

I think the generated API documentation is good enough for me - I can look at properties and methods and investigate any that look interesting - and I think that’s the cheapest option.

The programmers guide sounds good too!

It’s good to see an effort to attribute responsibility for a tutorial base. OTH I can’t imagine someone covering all bases off their own bat, the beauty of forums is in the depth of detail that can be picked up here. Then again much of that is irrelevant to other users, as with tutorials. It’s a fine line. Just my twopenn’orth.

I think we need wiki for overall information about engine but with more detail explanations (what is it for? how to do it). This will help seasoned developer know what function they should use and this wiki need to be maintained by core team for the most correct informations.

Tutorials like Ray Wenderlich is a must for novice developers. In this case, i think we users should contribute to this section (because sometimes it is not about technically but about logic how to piece all the module togerther, only veteran can do that), and core team need only review and approve/disapprove/correct… the submitted tutorials. Of course, if they have free time, writing more tutorials is appreciated :wink:

I agree with keeping the WIKI and opening it up to all those on these forums to help complete and edit. I think larger examples from start to finish are good. Also showing more complex examples beyond the simple ones currently in the wiki. Tutorials are good, but hopefully Ray Wenderlich and others will fill that need now that cocos2d-x 3.x is fairly stable and feature filled and being used more heavily.

Other thoughts I posted on the other poll.


BTW, i see you are working on programmer guide for new 3.3 release, focus working on that, if you distracts it will be a mess and give the negative benefit. All what we discuss will come after 3.3 final release

About the wiki, let it open for everyone work on that is the good idea, and you guy just monitor or correct information. I think wiki should be like a manual/reference with detail examples, explanation for the items it refer to (in this case, maybe generated API with good comments is satisfied). With this wiki will turn into big, that’s why when let it open, others can fix some obsolete code/example in case you guy too busy and forget about it.

Adding new features is good, especially for any veteran developers who come to cocos2d-x by accident and impressed by it. But why don’t we slow down it a bit, for example focus on some new main features (like audio engine as everyone suggest), and focus on fixing bugs, refactoring codes and waiting for documentations to catch up. Maybe this problem is needed more discuss.

About tutorial series, IMHO this is a must. I suggests we should do some kind of clone game tutorials (like pong, mario…), the resources is out there, and this is for education only so i don’t think we get any problem (correct me if i’m wrong :D).

About user is new to programming, i think we should add some kind of requirement or pre-knowledge before every tutorial or in wiki, in pre-knowledge we will give some brief instructions or link for user to find more informations themself. Or if this consume much time, just when use something that is not basic C++, comment for them what it is and suggest them search for it. For example: when using lambda expression just comment //new c++11 feature lambda expression, google it pls.

I don’t think we turn away users, it just help them expand their knowledge and searching skills :smiley:

You would get into huge trouble, especially with Big N(regarding Mario). The problem is, that you would need to distribute the assets, which you have no license for. You have to be very careful, when it comes to using assets which are copyrighted and/or trademarked.

just document it proper…with some tutorials…Thats it…

The Qt documentation is really great. But keep in mind, that Digia is putting a lot of money and effort into it. They have to, cause they are making money out of it.

I would suggest to use Sphinx in combination with breathe for documentation purposes. It supports tons of different graphs and features, which could add some real value to technical documentation.

Building some knowledge base could also be a nice option. Share some code profiling and auditing. Would also make code optimizing a lot easier.