Please help, I need an example how to use CURL and HTTP Request in cocos2d-x v3

Hi everyone! I’m a newbie of cocos2d-x and I’m still studying about it. Now I need an example how to use Curl and HttpRequest in cocos2d-x v3. Please help me! I tried look for first but I couldn’t find anything clear.
Thanks so much!

There are examples under the tests directory. Examples for HttpRequest, and CURL.

Many thanks for your help, now I know how to use HTTP Request, but the example about CURL is not clear, I could not include “curl/curl.h”. I tried run “” follow “cocos2d-x v3.1-rc0 released” but it still not effect. Can you help me one more time, please!!!
And now I need example how to parse json in cocos2d-x v3 too. Sorry for my English is not good.
Thanks again and Best Regard!

Thanks Jgod, finally I did it.
One more time, thanks again so much!

Sorry, I didn’t see your earlier post. And you’re welcome, go and make some cool stuff!

@Harion I too am getting the curl issue you mentioned. I also ran “” but it does not seem to help me either. What did you do to solve this? Thanks.

Found it. For others having this issue, I solved it by adding to my target’s header search path:
