Pixel collision detection for v3.x

@sgleizes Thank you so much for this post. I am kind of confusing using RenderTexture and GLProgram in version 3.
But this did not work well with my test, the buffer array values are always zeros . Thus, the result is always false. I am using version 3.2 final.
Could you please have a check at your code ?
I have saved image from TextureRender _rt and the image was all transparent

Thank you for giving feedback, any problem you find prevents unexpected future problems from happening to me :smile:.

I could not reproduce what you’re having though. Could you provide more info about how you instantiate your sprites in your scene and how/where you do the call ?
Please also mention the platform with which you’re testing.

Thank you again.

1 Like

@sgleizes I am sorry that was my mistake in using the wrong file path. Your code works like a charm. You are the real MVP.

@sgleizes I have just came up with an idea about performance of pixel perfect. Instead of testing 1 Sprite with 1 Sprite each time. We can render all the obstacles sprites of which bounding boxes collide with player sprite blue. Do you think it is feasible ?

Thanks a lot for sharing the code. I’ve managed to get this working under cocos2d-js 3.5 using jsb.
However, this code as is did not always worked well. I had to fix the getIntersection calculation.
I’ve also added some debug visualization so you can see the rendered collision.

Please comment out my debug utility SDEBUG.

My fixed code PixelCollision.cpp:

//  PixelCollision.cpp

#include "PixelCollision.h"

static const auto kVertexShader = "res/Shaders/SolidColorShader.vsh";
static const auto kFragmentShader = "res/Shaders/SolidColorShader.fsh";
static const auto kShaderRedUniform = "u_color_red";
static const auto kShaderBlueUniform = "u_color_blue";
static const auto kOpacityThreshold = 50;

PixelCollision* PixelCollision::s_instance = nullptr;

// Private Constructor being called from within the GetInstance handle
PixelCollision::PixelCollision(void) :
		_pixelReader(nullptr) {
	_glProgram = GLProgram::createWithFilenames(kVertexShader, kFragmentShader);
	_glProgram->addAttribute(GLProgram::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TEX_COORD, GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_TEX_COORD);
	_glProgram->addAttribute(GLProgram::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_COLOR, GLProgram::VERTEX_ATTRIB_COLOR);

	const Size &size = Director::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
	_rt = RenderTexture::create(size.width, size.height, kCCTexture2DPixelFormat_RGBA8888);
	_pixelReader = PixelReaderNode::create(Point::ZERO);


PixelCollision::~PixelCollision(void) {

PixelCollision* PixelCollision::getInstance(void) {
	if (!s_instance) {
		s_instance = new PixelCollision();
	return s_instance;

void PixelCollision::destroyInstance(void) {
	delete s_instance;
	s_instance = nullptr;

bool PixelCollision::collidesWithSprite(Sprite *sprite1, Sprite *sprite2) {
	return this->collidesWithSprite(sprite1, sprite2, true);

bool PixelCollision::collidesWithSprite(Sprite *sprite1, Sprite *sprite2, bool pp)
    // debug
    Scene *cur_n = Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene();
    Sprite *s_blend = dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(cur_n->getChildByTag(11));
    if (s_blend) {
    // /debug

    Rect r1 = Rect(0, 0, sprite1->getContentSize().width, sprite1->getContentSize().height);
    r1 = RectApplyAffineTransform(r1, sprite1->getNodeToWorldAffineTransform());
    //SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, "dragging", "Collision test: r1_new=%s;", RectStr(r1));

    Rect r2 = Rect(0, 0, sprite2->getContentSize().width, sprite2->getContentSize().height);
    r2 = RectApplyAffineTransform(r2, sprite2->getNodeToWorldAffineTransform());
    //SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, "dragging", "Collision test: r2_new=%s;", RectStr(r2));

    if (r1.intersectsRect(r2)) {
        if (!pp) {
            SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, "dragging", "Collision test (intersects/pixelPerfect): ACCEPTED by !pp; rect1=%s; rect2=%s;", RectStr(r1), RectStr(r2));
            return true;

        Rect intersection = this->getIntersection(r1, r2);
        unsigned int numPixels = intersection.size.width * intersection.size.height;

        _rt->beginWithClear(0, 0, 0, 0);

        CustomCommand sprite1Command;
        CustomCommand sprite2Command;
        auto oldPosition1 = this->renderSprite(sprite1, sprite1Command, true);
        auto oldPosition2 = this->renderSprite(sprite2, sprite2Command, false);

        // debug
        Node *n;
        n = this->drawRect(intersection, Color4F(255, 255, 0, 1));
        // /debug


	    auto buffer = _pixelReader->getBuffer();

	    this->resetSprite(sprite1, oldPosition1);
	    this->resetSprite(sprite2, oldPosition2);

	    unsigned int maxIndex = numPixels * 4;
        bool retVal = false;
	    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i += 4) {
	        if (buffer[i] > 0 && buffer[i + 2] > 0 && buffer[i + 3] > kOpacityThreshold) { // red and blue
                retVal = true;
        SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, "dragging", "Collision test (intersects/pixelPerfect): retVal=%s; rect1=%s; rect2=%s; intersection=%s; numPixels=%d; CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR=%.2f; s1.scale=%.2f; s2.scale=%.2f;",
            BOOLStr(retVal), RectStr(r1), RectStr(r2), RectStr(intersection), numPixels, CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(), sprite1->getScale(), sprite2->getScale());
        // debug
        s_blend = CCSprite::createWithTexture(_rt->getSprite()->getTexture());
        // debug
        return retVal;
	SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, "dragging", "Collision test (intersects/pixelPerfect): REJECTED by intersectsRect(); rect1=%s; rect2=%s;", RectStr(r1), RectStr(r2));

    return false;

Node* PixelCollision::drawRect (Rect r, const Color4F &color)
    r.origin.x /= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
    r.origin.y /= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
    r.size.width /= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
    r.size.height /= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();

    Size winSize = r.size;
    Point pos = r.origin;
    auto rectNode = DrawNode::create();
    Vec2 rectangle[4];
    rectangle[0] = Vec2(pos.x+0, pos.y+0);
    rectangle[1] = Vec2(pos.x+winSize.width, pos.y+0);
    rectangle[2] = Vec2(pos.x+winSize.width, pos.y+winSize.height);
    rectangle[3] = Vec2(pos.x+0, pos.y+winSize.height);

    rectNode->drawPolygon(rectangle, 4, Color4F(255, 0, 0, 255), 1, color);
    return rectNode;

bool PixelCollision::collidesWithPoint(Sprite *sprite, const Point &point) {
    _rt->beginWithClear(0, 0, 0, 0);
    glColorMask(1, 0, 0, 1);

	Point oldPosition = sprite->getPosition();

	auto readPoint = sprite->getParent()->convertToWorldSpace(point) * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
	_pixelReader->setReadSize(Size(1, 1));

	auto color = _pixelReader->getBuffer();
    glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1);

	return color[0] > 0;

// Private methods
PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode *PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::create(const Point &readPoint) {
	auto pixelReader = new PixelReaderNode(readPoint);
	if (pixelReader && pixelReader->init()) {
		return pixelReader;
	return nullptr;

PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::PixelReaderNode(const Point &readPoint) :
		_buffer(nullptr) {
	this->setReadSize(Size(1, 1));

PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::~PixelReaderNode(void) {

void PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::draw(Renderer *renderer, const Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags) {
	_readPixelCommand.func = CC_CALLBACK_0(PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::onDraw, this);

void PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::onDraw(void) {
	glReadPixels(_readPoint.x, _readPoint.y, _readSize.width, _readSize.height,

Rect PixelCollision::getIntersection(const Rect &r1, const Rect &r2) const
// <Pp>
    Rect intersection;
  intersection = Rect(std::max(r1.getMinX(),r2.getMinX()), std::max(r1.getMinY(),r2.getMinY()),0,0);

intersection.size.width = std::min(r1.getMaxX(), r2.getMaxX()) - intersection.getMinX();
intersection.size.height = std::min(r1.getMaxY(), r2.getMaxY()) - intersection.getMinY();

intersection.origin.x *= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
intersection.origin.y *= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
intersection.size.width *= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();
intersection.size.height *= CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR();

return intersection;
// </Pp>

/* <ORIG>
	float tempX;
	float tempY;
	float tempWidth;
	float tempHeight;

	if (r1.getMaxX() > r2.getMinX()) {
		tempX = r2.getMinX();
		tempWidth = r1.getMaxX() - r2.getMinX();
	} else {
		tempX = r1.getMinX();
		tempWidth = r2.getMaxX() - r1.getMinX();
	if (r2.getMaxY() < r1.getMaxY()) {
		tempY = r1.getMinY();
		tempHeight = r2.getMaxY() - r1.getMinY();
	} else {
		tempY = r2.getMinY();
		tempHeight = r1.getMaxY() - r2.getMinY();


Point PixelCollision::renderSprite(Sprite *sprite, CustomCommand &command, bool red) {
	command.func = [=]() {
		sprite->getGLProgramState()->setUniformInt(kShaderRedUniform, red ? 255 : 0);
		sprite->getGLProgramState()->setUniformInt(kShaderBlueUniform, red ? 0 : 255);

	Point oldPosition = sprite->getPosition();

	return oldPosition;

void PixelCollision::resetSprite(Sprite *sprite, const Point &oldPosition) {
	auto program = ShaderCache::sharedShaderCache()->programForKey(

Hi pepeek,

Thanks for sharing the code.

Can you share code of “PixelCollision.h” ?



#ifndef __Brilla__PixelCollision__
#define __Brilla__PixelCollision__

#include <iostream>
#include "cocos2d.h"


class PixelCollision
    static PixelCollision *getInstance(void);
    static void destroyInstance(void);

    bool collidesWithSprite(Sprite *sprite1, Sprite *sprite2, bool pp);
    bool collidesWithSprite(Sprite *sprite1, Sprite *sprite2);
    bool collidesWithPoint(Sprite *sprite, const Point &point);
    Node* drawRect (Rect r, const Color4F &color);

    class PixelReaderNode : public Node {
        static PixelReaderNode* create(const Point &readPoint);

        PixelReaderNode(const Point &readPoint);
        virtual ~PixelReaderNode(void);

        virtual void draw(cocos2d::Renderer *renderer, const cocos2d::Mat4& transform, uint32_t flags) override;
        inline void reset();

        inline const Point &getReadPoint(void) const;
        inline void setReadPoint(const Point &readPoint);

        inline const Size &getReadSize(void) const;
        inline void setReadSize(const Size &readPoint);

        inline GLubyte *getBuffer(void);

       void onDraw(void);

        CustomCommand _readPixelCommand;
        Point _readPoint;
        Size _readSize;
        GLubyte *_buffer;

    virtual ~PixelCollision(void);

    Rect getIntersection(const Rect &r1, const Rect &r2) const;
    Rect getUnion (const Rect &r1, const Rect &r2) const;
    Point renderSprite(Sprite *sprite, CustomCommand &command, bool red);
    void resetSprite(Sprite *sprite, const Point &oldPosition);

    // Singleton
    static PixelCollision *s_instance;

    GLProgram *_glProgram;
    RenderTexture *_rt;
    PixelReaderNode *_pixelReader;

// Inline methods
inline void PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::reset(void) {
    memset(_buffer, 0, 4 * _readSize.width * _readSize.height);

inline const Point &PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::getReadPoint(void) const {
    return _readPoint;

inline void PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::setReadPoint(const Point &readPoint) {
    _readPoint = readPoint;

inline const Size &PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::getReadSize(void) const {
    return _readSize;

inline void PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::setReadSize(const Size &readSize) {
    if (_readSize.width * _readSize.height < readSize.width * readSize.height) {
        _buffer = (GLubyte*) malloc(4 * readSize.width * readSize.height);
    _readSize = readSize;

inline GLubyte *PixelCollision::PixelReaderNode::getBuffer(void) {
    return _buffer;

#endif /* defined(__Brilla__PixelCollision__) */

Hi pepeek,

Thank you very much for code.

I will try it and tell you the result of it.


Ty very much for your post @sgleizes
This is a very big help for my game.
In 3.6 version, we don’t need to make a precompile shaders. [I don’t know why. Correct me if I am wrong.]
I just put the shaders in


So I just call it from this code in update function:

if (PixelCollision::getInstance()->collidesWithSprite(sprite1, sprite2, true))
    CCLog("Collision happened! %f", delta); 

then I drag first image of grossini.png to second image.
It will display Message: “Collision happened! 0.01500” if its texture collides, not the bounding box.
thank you, thank you.
I will give u a credit in my game later.
[along with cocos2d-x team and @happybirthday]

Hi pepeek.

Thanks your share. I have a problem when using it, please help me.

When i include PixelCollision class to my project. if i check collision in init function, it work fine. but when i check in update game function (60f/s) it cannot detect collision.

globle init:
 Sprite Ship1;
 Sprite Ship2;

init function: 
   Ship1  = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ship1.png");
    Ship1->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2);
    Ship2 = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ship2.png");
    Ship2->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2 + 30, visibleSize.height/2 - 40);
    if (PixelCollision::getInstance()->collidesWithSprite(Ship1, Ship2)) {
        CCLOG("is collision");

void Game::update(float dt) {
CCLOG("next checking!!!");
if (PixelCollision::getInstance()->collidesWithSprite(Ship1, Ship2)) {
    CCLOG("is collision in update function");

and logs in console:
"is collision
"next checking!!!
"next checking!!!
"next checking!!!
"next checking!!!
"next checking!!!

i cant find the false in my code, please help me. Thanks

u don’t need to declare it in main function.
Only ONCE in update function:

void game::update(float dt)

I tried this method and it only works for Sprite not SpriteFrameCache or SpriteFrame.
Is there a way to use it for animation?

Hi gOzaru

Sorry i dont understand the mean of:
“Only ONCE in update function”

I want to check any collision of objects in update function. but i dont know why the collision just apear just one.



It is my full function, and it never collision between Ship1 and Ship2

// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool HelloWorld::init()
    // 1. super init first
    if ( !Layer::init() )
        return false;
visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

// 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program
//    you may modify it.

// add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it's an autorelease object
auto closeItem = MenuItemImage::create(
                                       CC_CALLBACK_1(HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback, this));

closeItem->setPosition(Vec2(origin.x + visibleSize.width - closeItem->getContentSize().width/2 ,
                            origin.y + closeItem->getContentSize().height/2));

// create menu, it's an autorelease object
auto menu = Menu::create(closeItem, NULL);
this->addChild(menu, 1);

GameSpriteBatch = SpriteBatchNode::create("testbatch.png");

Ship1 = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ship1.png");
Ship1->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2);

Ship2 = Sprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("ship2.png");
Ship2->setPosition(visibleSize.width/2 + 30, visibleSize.height/2 - 35);


return true;

void HelloWorld::update(float delta) {
    if (PixelCollision::getInstance()->collidesWithSprite(Ship1, Ship2)) {
        CCLOG("is collision");

Think logically dude.
U need to move the sprite1 so it can collide with sprite2.
Using onTouchMoved.
Set it to true:

void HelloWorld::update(float delta) {

if (PixelCollision::getInstance()->collidesWithSprite(Ship1, Ship2) == true) {
    CCLOG("is collision");


thank you for you sharing ,its very kind of you.But i find a problem .
//SDEBUG(LEVEL_DEBUG, “dragging”, “Collision test (intersects/pixelPerfect): retVal=%s; rect1=%s; rect2=%s; intersection=%s; numPixels=%d; CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR=%.2f; s1.scale=%.2f; s2.scale=%.2f;”,
//BOOLStr(retVal), RectStr(r1), RectStr(r2), RectStr(intersection), numPixels, CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR(), sprite1->getScale(), sprite2->getScale());
what is the SDBUG and BOOLStr

Thank you for this work!
I have to test it :smile:

How is performance wise? specially in low-end mobile devices.
I’m using two ETC1 textures for my sprite atlasheet (RGB + alpha split). It might be useful to use only the alpha texture to perform this test.


Dear , i find a big problem.It works well when i open then debug model ,but when i close debug, it just work as a boudingBox,I use the 2dx-3.3。

Just like others said it’s working like a bounding box…

Hi - I was looking at this line in PixelCollision::collidesWithSprite, and sometimes collisions don’t work. Is this because my sprites do not have the same parents ? Sometimes it seems that r1.intersectsRect(r2) returns false, even though they appear to overlap on screen.

Is this a bug ? I am using cocos2d-x 3.13.1