OpenGL is deprecated in 10.14 Mojave

So what all these means for current cocos2d-x ?

what about using external open source render like :

or SDL2?

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We dont know yet.

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So should we start a topic of “What if Cocos2d-x switched to bgfx”? To discuss rendering, what does losing OpenGL mean, etc?


I think that would be a good idea!

Guys, this thing is big. As a Mac user I’ve seen Apple slowly desupporting everything which doesn’t follow guidelines (store restrictions, Sip, deprecations like this…) and which has an external uncontrolled source. Only usr/local is left open, and I won’t bet on it.
Anyway that’s not the problem. Things go slow on Mac Os; so you can expect open gl on mac to die a slow death.
The real problem is Ios. Deprecation on 12 will sure mean you won’t be able to ship on 13 with open gl. And this means within a year.
Everyone who has project of shipping something on Ios will have to stop everything until a solution is found.
And it won’t be an easy one. It means remaking and retesting all graphic pipeline, at a minimum.
And this is going to impact on creator too, for the same reasons; unless you are only using it for web games…
This is serious. Until a solution is found, everything is at an halt.


Any comments from official cocos2d-x engineers? I’m developing my game using cocos2d-x for 3 months already… Looking forward for the answer if any official guy read this.

From my view, this is a BIG problem for engine and they need some time to think deeply and make decision carefully.

This is a really BIG problem for iOS developers in the first place.
And I think we don’t have a whole year to fix it, because deprecation will happen in ios 12 (which will be shipped this autumn).
For example, this could mean no featuring for new games in the appstore.

Umm, I told you yesterday we hadn’t made a decision yet. But, I guess now we have :slight_smile: