Open-sourcing my framework : any interest?

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I’ve been trying to get an audio recorder for Android to work and kept running in to errors (I am not much of an Android programmer), but your code helped me find a solution.

You are welcome @hawkwood :slight_smile: That was the whole point of open-sourcing.

Great work, thanks much!

I would love to see the 2.2 version remain available.

The more modular it is, the more people who will use it.

Very nice work, many useful pieces of code!

I really appreciate specially for Gestures

The 2.2 version will remain available in a branch, but it will not be maintained, nor upgraded to 2.2.5.

I am currently nearing completion on the V3.2 port.

Thank you! It’s very interesting.

I briefly looked at the iap module and it seems that it is possible to use it separately from the rest. Since I’m using version 3.2 and I have only 2 days to implement the mechanism of purchases, it would be logical right now.
But I am am confused only dependence #include “FenneX.h” in InAppWrapper.cpp. Is it used here really?

Incidentally, was the name FenneX comes from Phoenix or from Fennec fox or something else?

Most of the wrappers can be used withtout using the rest of the framework, indeed.

Since I use V2, you are going to have a lot of deprecated warning (CCArray, CCDictionary, CCString mainly), otherwise everything else should work without any modifications.

I generally include FenneX.h everywhere to not have to worry about which exact file to include. For the wrappers, it’s mostly limited to the shorteners I use (see FenneX/Core/Utility/Shorteners.h). I don’t think anything else is used for the IAP.

For the name, it came from the Fennec fox, indeed.

Oh, thank you very much. I’ll try to use this module in the near future. And tell you about the results.

About name, FenneX is a very good, short, beautiful and meaningful.
I came up with a name for my company recently and it was very difficult to come up with a good name, so now I pay attention to things like that.

Nice framework. But what about V3 port and a sample project?

@dotsquid Thanks. The V3 port is still in progress. Unfortunately I won’t have the time before a while to change everything to follow new V3 guidelines (I have a lot of CCArray, CCDictionary and CCString everywhere, migrating will take some time). I am nearing completion, there are still a few bugs on the target app I use to test. I think you can expect it in 2 weeks at most.

The sample project will follow after that. I don’t have a clear date yet.

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@dotsquid Both V3 port and sample project are done!

Visit to see the cocos V3 port. I had to drop a few features for various reasons, they will be added again and the code is still in the V2.2 branch.

Visit to have the empty project, with a few features on top of a classic “empty” project.

I will start soon to develop a test project, to demonstrate features of FenneX and allow me to easily test features on devices. Let met know if there is a feature you want to be demonstrated first.

Let me know if there is any issue with the empty project.

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This was nice of you to provide.

Hi @Fradow,

Suppose I want use just AudioPlayerRecorder, what do I do to integrate to my project without adding the rest of the framework?

Hello @GulperEeL,

Do you need the recording ability ? Otherwise, it’s easier to use SimpleAudioEngine.

If you do need recording, you need to:

  • take AudioPlayerRecorder.h from Classes/FenneX/NativeWrappers
  • take the “Audio” folder from proj.ios_mac/ios (but remove AudioPicker.h/mm, you don’t need it)
  • take AudioPlayerRecorderWrapper.cpp from
  • take from
  • resolve any missing code there is when compiling (for example, a few things from Classes/FenneX/Core/Utility/Shorteners.h)
  • you will probably need a few Frameworks in iOS (linking errors) and in your AndroidManifest:
    uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO” /
    uses-feature android:name=“android.hardware.microphone”/

I see, thanks. I’ll give it a try :smile:

Can this merged into cocos2d framework, or at least be inside the extension?


Merged into cocos2d framework => no, cocos2d is a game engine, it’s not its goal to have this kind of features.

Inside the extension => perhaps, but it would require a lot of work, and it does not support all platforms, like cocos2d usually does.

I have the plan to make it easier to get only part of FenneX, by separating each Native feature as an easy to use library.

@Fradow - can you share your sound recording demo in cocos2dx , I m getting trouble in implementing using the wrapper in FenneX, Please it would be good if you can share your code.

can you implement Sounc Recording demo for cocos2dx