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level up attempt.

Ding! level up, congratz

Hi there! I am new to the forums!

Im using cocos2dx to init my first solo game-project. It seems like the community is very limited :frowning:

I would love nothing but to contribute to the community!


Thank you!

hi all, i just have use cocos2dx
This topic too use full for me. Thanks

Hello everyone,
I am trying to integrate facebook in my app through SDKBOX but facing some issue with login on android device. Even though it works perfect fine in iOS device as in I can login and share stuff on IOS but for some reasons i can’t login on android device.

I am following this tutorial.
Can somebody help me out? :’)

Cocos2dx 3.9 Latest Sdkbox. Device Nexus 4.

@slackmoehrle :smile:
Android Manifest file.

<meta-data android:name="" android:value="cocos2dcpp" />

<activity android:configChanges="orientation" android:label="@string/app_name" android:name="org.cocos2dx.cpp.AppActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen">

        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

  1. What SDKBOX Facebook plugin version?

  2. Look through these steps and ensure they are complete:

  3. You can try this sample and see if it works for you:

1: SDKBOX version: v0.5.7.24
2: Yes the sample project is working too. but when I try to add listener i.e. PluginFacebook::setListener(this); I am getting error. Error says “Cannot initialize a parameter of type sdkbox::fbliste” with rvalue of type “helloworld”

Cannot initialize a parameter of type sdkbox::fbliste" with rvalue of type “helloworld” fixed.

Please make sure to post these as a new topic with category SDKBOX. This ensures that the right folks will see it.

I can’t post a new topic because there is no post option visible. I think its your policy to restrict users to spam.

Btw I managed to fixed the issue, the problem was that I totally forgot to add Facebook listener into my code and that seemed to be the problem, after adding it to my project i can now login into facebook on android devices too.

Thanks for the help @slackmoehrle :smile:

If you read more topics and reply to existing, you will be granted privs to create new topics. If you need to create a new one ASAP, I can add your privs.


Interesting tactic, would be nice if on your first login it was notified to you through a modal in-yo-face style. A separate email saying what the deal is would also be appropriate. I by mere chance saw the title of this thread after 2-3 minutes of frustrated clicking.

Did you not get an e-mail when you registered?

The tactic is interesting, on our old forums we had way more SPAM. These simple tactics do weed out SPAM and also, Discourse has a lot of settings we can tweak as well.

I got an email to activate my account, but nothing stating the leveling/first post rule. Not that it would be noticed in that email. Most people probably open an activation email and their eyes dart to the link and nothing else gets read. A separate email welcoming the user to the forum and explaining that rule would be useful (although I probably wouldn’t have opened that either haha). A popup/modal would definitely help! Anyways, glad to join and looking forward to playing around with the framework!

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I have just joined 15 mins. How can I post a topic to get help ?

You should have gotten a “Welcome” e-mail.

Or look here