Need to read a .json file that i have on the res folder

I need to read a file .json where I have the information from the levels of my game, I’m using the library rapidjson, but i can’t find how to read or modify the file.
Can someone help me out ?

I am currently using rapidJSON to parse JSON data to __Dictionary. This is roughly how I do it:

__Dictionary* getDictionaryFromJSON(string json)
	Document d;
	if (d.HasParseError())
		return NULL;
	if (d.GetType() != kObjectType)
		return NULL;
	__Dictionary* dict = __Dictionary::create();
	for (rapidjson::Value::MemberIterator itr = d.MemberBegin(); itr != d.MemberEnd(); itr++)
		string key = itr->name.GetString();
		Ref* obj = parseValue(itr->value);
			dict->setObject(obj, key);
	return dict;

Ref* parsePrimitiveTypeFromValue(rapidjson::Value& v)
	ostringstream oss;
	if (v.IsNumber())
		if (v.IsInt())
			oss << v.GetInt();
		else if (v.IsInt64())
			oss << v.GetInt64();
		else if (v.IsDouble())
			oss << (int)v.GetDouble();
		return __String::create(oss.str().c_str());
		if (v.IsString())
			return __String::create(v.GetString());
			if (v.IsTrue() || v.IsFalse())
				oss << v.GetBool();
				return __String::create(oss.str());
	return NULL;

Ref* parseObjectTypeFromValue(rapidjson::Value& v)
	__Dictionary* dict = __Dictionary::create();
	for (rapidjson::Value::MemberIterator itr = v.MemberBegin(); itr != v.MemberEnd(); itr++)
		string key = itr->name.GetString();
		Ref* obj = parseValue(itr->value);
		if (obj)
			dict->setObject(obj, key);
	return dict;

Ref* parseArrayTypeFromValue(rapidjson::Value& v)
	__Array* array = __Array::create();
	for (rapidjson::Value::ValueIterator itr = v.Begin(); itr != v.End(); itr++)
		Ref* obj = parseValue(*itr);
		if (obj)
	return array;

Ref* parseValue(rapidjson::Value& v)
	switch (v.GetType()) {
		case kObjectType:
			return parseObjectTypeFromValue(v);
		case kArrayType:
			return parseArrayTypeFromValue(v);
		case kNumberType:
		case kStringType:
		case kTrueType:
		case kFalseType:
			return parsePrimitiveTypeFromValue(v);
			return NULL;
	return NULL;

Hope it helps.

And if you’re looking for a JSON -> ValueMap using rapidjson: