Mysterious Crash on Mac OS X (v2.2.6)

I’m getting this odd crash on some Mac OS X machines. Seems like some type of GPU support issue, but i’m not sure why it crashes in string … anyone seen this before?

std::__1::char_traits length(char const*) string:640
cocos2d::CCConfiguration gatherGPUInfo() string:2001
cocos2d::CCDirector setOpenGLView(cocos2d::CCEGLView*) CCDirector.cpp:355
AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching() AppDelegate.cpp:60
cocos2d::CCApplication run()
AppController applicationDidFinishLaunching:

  • start

I think it was discussed before, that 2.2.6 version now crashing on El Capitane , there was some quick fix workaround discussed

Thanks, found this thread:

Very odd, because my games have had no problem running on El Capitan until my latest update.

Something must have changed in my build chain, I’m guessing. This is one of the reasons I dislike working with Apple!