Multiple platform remote image loading with cocos2D-js v3 R02

Release notes docs of cocos2D-js v3 R02 say that now remote images can be loaded using cc.textureCache and cc.loader, but I have not been able to to it.

Maybe I´m missing some binding, I don´t know.

I’m using Cocos Code IDE v1.0.0.RC0, working on windows 7.

Thanks a lot

How did you use it, can you post some sample code ?

And from RC3, we have added a test case for remote image loading

var RemoteTextureTest = TextureCacheTestBase.extend({
    _title:"Remote Texture Test",
    _remoteTex: "",
    _sprite : null,
    onEnter:function () {
        cc.textureCache.addImage(this._remoteTex, this.texLoaded, this);

    texLoaded: function(texture) {
        if (texture instanceof cc.Texture2D) {
            cc.log("Remote texture loaded: " + this._remoteTex);
            if (this._sprite) {
            this._sprite = new cc.Sprite(texture);
            this._sprite.x = cc.winSize.width/2;
            this._sprite.y = cc.winSize.height/2;
        else {
            cc.log("Fail to load remote texture");

Thanks very much for your reply.

I have tested with R03:

var RemoteText = cc.Layer.extend({

_remoteTex: "",
_sprite : null,

ctor:function() {


onEnter:function () {
	cc.textureCache.addImage(this._remoteTex, this.texLoaded, this);

texLoaded: function(texture) {
	cc.log("texLoaded: "+texture)
	if (texture instanceof cc.Texture2D) {
		cc.log("Remote texture loaded: " + this._remoteTex);
		if (this._sprite) {
		this._sprite = new cc.Sprite(texture);
		this._sprite.x = cc.winSize.width/2;
		this._sprite.y = cc.winSize.height/2;
	else {
		cc.log("Fail to load remote texture XXX");


It seams as it loads the image but it lost it at some point because it sent texture = NULL to the texLoaded handler. This is the log:

debug server : client connected
JS: asyncListen…
JS: texLoaded: null (I added cc.log("texLoaded: "+texture))
JS: Fail to load remote texture
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: image/png

Connection: keep-alive

Status: 200 (HTTP status OK)

X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 3.0.11

Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

X-Runtime: 9

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=“2dh5-logo.png”

Content-Length: 54970 (I downloaded the image with browser and its 54k, just like this content-length)

Cache-Control: private

Server: nginx/1.0.15 + Phusion Passenger 3.0.11 (mod_rails/mod_rack)


The log is quite odd, because it shows that the callback function is called before the texture loading

Yes, all the part of the log:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/png
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 200 (HTTP status OK)
X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) 3.0.11
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
X-Runtime: 9
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=“2dh5-logo.png”
Content-Length: 54970 (I downloaded the image with browser and its 54k, just like this content-length)
Cache-Control: private
Server: nginx/1.0.15 + Phusion Passenger 3.0.11 (mod_rails/mod_rack)

Is output after I stop the application.
During runtime the log outputs only:

debug server : client connected
JS: asyncListen…
JS: texLoaded: null
JS: Fail to load remote texture

I retried but can not reproduce the issue, can you tell me the exact steps to reproduce it?

And also, please try 3.0 Final version

If you are using cocos2d-x 3.0 rc2 or higher, please use Cocos Code IDE 1.0.0-rc2.

I’m using Cocos Code IDE 1.0.0-rc0, but with Cocos-js v3 RC3 framework