MinGW ssize_t does not name a type

after successfully generating codeblocks project from cmake, I got this error when compiling the project in codeblocks,
c:\mydir\cocos2d\cocos\base\CCConsole.h|114|error: ‘ssize_t’ does not name a type|

I tried using mingw gccc 4.8.2 and mingw64 5.1, same error

Did you try #include <unistd.h>?

Maybe here you can find some useful infos:

actually it’s codeblocks problem that it won’t change compiler setting for the project after I change from old mingw to mingw64. So I need to generate new codeblocks project with new mingw64 setting. It’s compiling now, I will inform if it’s successfully compile or not. thanks for the helps :smile:

note : mingw from mingw.org is quite old now, so it’s better to use mingw64 or tdm gcc.

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Infact I’ve used mingw64 installed with msys2, version 5.0