Making apk for android (Failed)

In Eclipse ? Not Cocos Code IDE ? You will need some extra steps for eclipse, @joshua_astray could explain more details for you

Hello, @shadiho.
I just read your document, and all the steps you did are perfect. The only problem is in step 5.


these lines should be added before sc->start();. Sorry for lack of explaining in the document.

@pandamicro @joshua_astray
guys, I really appreciate your help, I fixed the issue and facebook login worked perfectly with me, I updated the step by step document and attach it again here, if you find this document useful, you can use it and published in any way.

The next step is integration with adMob, so I will try to do it alone and if I face any issue I will seek your help again :slight_smile: (also I will prepare a document for the same)

facebook Integration Step by (1004.5 KB)

We encourage you to post the document in a separated post directly, and you can post it in your blog or something if you want.

Google will help people find your solution.

@pandamicro @joshua_astray
Guys, I am trying to get deep into facebook integration, I am able to call the login function successfully, but the problem when I am trying to call the isLoggedIn, I am getting a typeError, that isLoggedIn is not a function of facebookAgent !!

any idea?

NOTE: I am using cocos2d-JS V3.0 final

How did you use that exactly ?