Mac version = rejected by apple

I’ll try it and post the results, thank you for your help!

Hello and sorry for the delay, after trying this method I got rejected once again. Apple does not allow the use of black bars ( sides )

Can you help me understand the rejection a bit better?

All this stopped working in version 3.10>.

It does not work:
[[[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainwindow] setCollectionBehavior: NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary];

Can you help me ? I’m desperate to the version of my game for Mac, it has been a great battle to have a MAC OSX game approved by Apple made in cocos2d-x. Please I love cocos2d-x, I would very much like to continue with the engine.

I’m sorry, I don’t follow what the issue is. Do you have any screenshots?

After the version 3.10 we have to chose between starting the app Fullscreen or not but after the game is launched I cannot toggle between them. This command used to do the trick and allow us to switch modes, fullscreen and window. ( with is required by apple nowadays ).

Thanks. @zhangxm do we know anything about this?

Yep, it is a feature request.
@Daniel1 Could you please create a github issue?

@Daniel1 You can resolve it like this:

I will modify the engine to support full screen by default or add another interface.

I’ll try it, thanks all!
@zhangxm, Thanks!!!


This enabled the green button fullscreen, OK!, but I can not capture as enable/disable the full screen by clicking the button, so I adjust my screen because the game screen is completely wrong after clicking this button. Before the version 3.9 for example it was possible to use the trick mentioned above. Remember also that now the user can resize the window and it also changes the game screen.
Is there anything I can do?

Thanks! I appreciate your help!

I did do the trick work again. But my tiled map Zorder and PositionZ not work! :frowning:


What’s the problem? I think full screen is nothing with Zorder or PositionZ.

When I start the game in fullscreen it works, but if I start it in windowed mode and then put in fullscreen it does not work. If I switch to full screen and go back to windowed mode again it also does not work.

How can i reproduce it? It only has problem with Zorder or PositionZ?

Only PositionZ.

To reproduce it you can open the cpp Tests and go Node: TileMap and go 4: TMX Iso VertexZ
Then click the green button to open the window in full screen, you will see the problem, even back to normal window the problem continues.

@Daniel1 yep, i can reproduce it, and i created an issue to trace it.

@Daniel1 it is fixed in this PR:


Thank you very much @zhangxm :wink:

It is my pleasure, and hope you have a good result in Mac store.