Loading time is very long

never mind, many answers here http://www.raywenderlich.com/32049/texture-packer-tutorial-how-to-create-and-optimize-sprite-sheets-in-cocos2d

why no edit on Mobile site?

TexturePacker is great.
To reduce loading times you should use a compressed texture format.
You can’t use TP with compressed texture formats because it doesn’t generate mipmaps as it should. (There is no option)
You can’t generate mipmaps at load-time with compressed formats.

Also, it’s a good idea to use pre-multiplied alpha for your textures. Depending on your version of Cocos-2dx it may or may not do the pre-multiplying at load time (It can’t for compressed formats.)
If it does then it is slow…
Cocos2d-x should have an option to allow you to load pre-mult alpha textures. But it doesn’t.

By optimising the off-line processing of textures and removing the cocos code to pre-multiply alpha I have seen a huge improvement in loading time for textures.