JNI Detected error in Application

you can use find command:

find folder -name pluginsdkboxads

are you using Android Studio ?

That’s strange, because the plugin is working. It only crashes at certain conditions (and not always). But I’ll take a look at manual integration guide and see if following it fixes the problem. Thank you!

Update: See my response to yinjimmy. It appears that I was looking in the wrong path :sweat_smile:

My bad! I was looking into the wrong path:

proj.android/libs instead of proj.android/jni

Maybe it was too late and my brain only wanted to go bed! :sweat_smile:
I’ll try to replace those libs inside proj.android/jni/sdkboxads/libs with those that you uploaded and I’ll report back.

Not using Android Studio btw, only command line for Android builds.

Thank you for your patience!

Update: No crashes with your libs, @yinjimmy! Thank you! :smile: :tada: I still need to test it more, but I think it’s fixed! What was wrong?

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two problems:

  1. the listener, keep old reference in core
  2. access JNIEnv in another thread
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@iPruch can you help to test bellow sdkboxads jni lib ?

libs.zip (470.2 KB)


Sure! I’ll leave the project compiling after a project clean. I’m using source code engine, so it may take a while. What’s new on this lib build?

Edit: It’s working, no crashes :wink: Do you want me to test any specific part, @yinjimmy ?

It’s ALL,

Thank you very much !

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I’m having new crashes :sweat:

I checked if there were any new updates to SDKBOX to see if this issue was fixed with the command $ sdkbox update, and all my packages downloaded and installed a new version:

  _______ ______  _     _ ______   _____  _     _
  |______ |     \ |____/  |_____] |     |  \___/ 
  ______| |_____/ |    \_ |_____] |_____| _/   \_
 Copyright (c) 2015 SDKBOX Inc. v1.0.0.16
 installed packages:
     v2.3.0.8 sdkboxads
     v2.3.0.8 apteligent
     v2.3.0.8 googleplayservices
     v2.3.0.8 admob
     v2.3.0.8 sdkboxplay
     v2.3.0.8 chartboost
     v2.3.0.8 adcolony

But now my project is getting new crashes related to Pluginsdkboxads (see the file below for details), and also the problem is not fixed: Still getting the callback called with action_type CLICKED everytime an AdMob ad is shown.

crash.cpp (95.9 KB)

What should I do now? Maybe returning to the old SDKBOX version?

Thank you in advance

Edit: Another different crash here:
crash2.cpp (39.7 KB)

@iPruch I think you can use http://discuss.cocos2d-x.org/uploads/default/14434/44bce6845d89728f.zip I gave you before.

Thanks !

Ok, I’ll give it a try and report back here! Thanks!

How about the testing ?

I’m sorry, I was busy and forgot to report back :sweat_smile: It’s working, no crashes again :wink:

Maybe I should have tried before asking again for help, but I thought it wouldn’t work because I updated to the newest version and I believed that the libs you uploaded were for the previous version only.

Thank you again for all your help! :slight_smile: