HowTo Dynamic Light

Hello everyone!

How to implement Dynamic Light like this

I implemented something similar to this in unity for Ludum Dare a while back.

Check it out here: (may not work in chrome - due to recent security updates)

And I’ve popped the source on git hub too:

The lighting was done in about 8 hours and these were my main sources of reference during the jam:

Hope this helps!

@almax27 hey thanks for sharing! by the way does this work on cocos2d-x v3+ ?

The techniques I used certainly can be implemented in cocos2d-x with OpenGL, but my LD code is for a unity project and written in c#, I meant it only as a demonstration.

That could be a nice feature to have in cocos2d-x by the way!

if search in google for “OpenGL ES” with “shadow mapping” or “shadow volumes” you should find a tonne of tutorials.