How can i catch errors even during start of the game?

Hi i am finding it hard to debug my app(android) because i think it has an error at the start of the game or during the initialization. Because of that jsb debugging wont connect to my app…

how can i catch the error even at the start of the game?

What about to try crashlytics SDK? it catching all kind crash reports.

I had a trouble like this, when my apk were starting i’ts crash.

To solve, i runed the apk in my own smartphone conected in my computer. So I can see the log in runtime using the android ADB.

how to do that using adb?
can you show us some link? thanks man…

adb logcat will give you connected device log

i dont know how this works…
can you show me the details?

Just type that into a command prompt. If that doesn’t work or you don’t understand you’ll need to google “how to use adb android”

You can also use eclipse or android studio for GUI wrapper around adb

IF you have really trouble with APK. try to use Visual Studio - if you on mac install virtual machine and free windows version + free visual studio 2015. There is possibility to debug APK with breakpoints.

@energyy Thanks…
i havent really solve this… but i detected the error but by removing all my scripts and manually add them one by one! which is kinda hell for me :frowning:
i dont know how should i compile it using visual studio… can you give me some links where i can go to… thanks man really appreciate your time… :smile:

Check this post Visual Studio 2015 - debugging Android apk in 2 minutes :)

We maned to debug in this way

@eydamson when installing visual studio dont forget to click custom and check mobile c++ component