Google Play Game Services

brother i tried implementing your code. it runs fine except one function.
its giving an error
“The method setResultCallback(ResultCallback<Players.LoadPlayersResult>) in the type PendingResult<Players.LoadPlayersResult> is not applicable for the arguments (new ResultCallback<Players.LoadPlayersResult>(){})”
on load friends function,
and in same function there is another error for (Player friend : mFriends(it gives erros on mFriends)
“Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to Player”.
kindly help me out i will be really very thankful to you

Thanks for your post, but can you tell about how doing that in VS?

What about in Visual studio? Thanks

U have load the library more than one time.
Try to remove the library (Cocos2d-x…java/srcx). If not mistaken, it at property - Java build path - source.

As I know, it support Eclipse in Android platform. I don’t know it can support VS Windows Phone platform.

We recently launched a tutorial on Android setup with a iOS version coming today/tomorrown

iOS setup tutorial

Thanks, I’ll check it out.

Can you refresh address to file, it’s dead. Can explain about what are those files doing in the whole process? Thanks

@MichaelContento can I test this on windows or I have to run in ADV?

Thanks explosis, now I know how to do that.

Thanks kslam212003