Good resources for learning Cocos2D?

(Note sure if this goes here. If not, please move. Thank you! ^_^)


I’m looking to learn Cocos2D for a potential job, but I’m having trouble finding some decent resources. I have the following books as a starting point:

COCOS2d-X by Example Beginner’s Guide
COCOS2d-X Game Development Essentials
Learning Cocos2D: A Hands-on Guide to Building iOS Games with Cocos2D, Box2D, and Chipmunk

Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:10 PM
The job listing only says to be “a rock star” in Cocos2D. Not very descriptive! I’m not sure if learning all of them is wise, but I’ll give it a shot! I take care of my father 24/7 (after a stroke) so I have lots of time. Also, out of curiosity, do I need to own an iPhone to learn this? So not a fan (and I already have a Droid).

This is from the listing:

"What You Will Be Doing

  • You’ll be working either as a full-time employer or as a contractor developing games with Cocos2D

What You Need for this Position

  • Substantial experience with Cocos2D"

I see that learning Lua, JavaScript, C++ (or C#?), and Python are also part of this?

What are some good websites, books, and other tutorials that you would recommend? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

Try it is a project maintained by this people The Cocos2d-x Programmers Guide

I would first find out if the job wants you to know Cocos2d or Cocos2d-x. These are related, but different frameworks.

Cocos2d is specifically for iOS development and uses Swift. It is NOT cross platform
Cocos2d-x is cross platform and uses C++, Lua, or Javascript

This website gives you an overview of the different flavors of Cocos2d:

Just FYI, == pre-production/staging builds between releases == production

I sent an e-mail to the recruiter asking about which version is required. Haven’t heard anything yet, so I wonder if learning all of them would be wise? I do have some programming background, but I’ve never used Lua or Python before.

Not really true; it’s implemented in Objective-C and Objective-C is used by most people to write their games while using it. It’s also cross-platform if you want to port to Android and Apportable make their business by providing the tools to do so.

I didn’t realize that cocos2d could now compile Android APKs with a SpriteBuilder plugin. This is probably fairly new? I originally moved from cocos2d-iphone to cocos2d-x in order to ensure my apps were cross platform. Back then, it certainly was not possible.

Thanks for the correction!

I don’t think it’s really new, and unless you want to pay money you are limited to core functionality under Android.

I think cocos2d-x is the better cross-platform option, as it allows you to develop on a desktop (Windows/Mac) before testing on a mobile device.