Generate Android x86_64 external libraries

What is the best practice to generate x86_64 prebuilts for Android? Currently we only have armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a and x86.

I want to be ready for 2019, where we also need 64bit binaries for every ABI. With the new Android App Bundle (AAB) format, it’s not a big issue, because Google is splitting the APKs for us.

PS: As wrote in another thread, I would be happy to have none of the prebuilts and build every external lib by myself. So I’m able to add new ABIs without waiting for the cocos2d-x team.

@drelaptop do you have any thoughts about this?

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hope this will do some help

  1. cocos2d-x team build external prebuilt libs by this repo
  1. custom build config, add arm64-v8a, you can refer to a oldder custom by @zhangxm . I think add a ABI is easier than this bigger custom.

Will check this. Thanks for the links.

@mars3142 I think that for 3.18 with should setup cmake to compile all external libs and than compile all (external + cocos2dx) from source code. Please see discussion with @drelaptop here:

Here prototype “cmake external libs” with Box2D, recast and with appveyor/travis CI for all platforms: Android (arm7, arm64, x86, x86_64), mac, windows (iOS not setup yet )

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What should be done to support Android App Bundle (AAB) for cocos2d-x apps?

Topic about Android App Bundle is here

Yeah, that is what I want for the future: No more prebuilts. Everything is compiled on my machine. This way I’m in full control of every single bit of my binary (okay, you have to trust your compiler to not inject anything bad).