Flatbuffers schemas need to be open sourced

I fixed some other issues, now the issue is that: CreateOptions in CSParseBinary_generated.h accepts Offset<WidgetOptions> instead of Offset<Table> as parameter. The modification causes some compiling error in FlatBuffersSerialize.cpp.

It may depend on what flatc compiler options you are using to compile the flatbuffer schemasā€¦ What branch are you on and what flatc compile command (and options) are you using? I did some work a while back to get it working with flatbuffers 1.4, but I havenā€™t tried 1.5 yet.

i just use flat -c xxx.fbs to generated the header file. I used latest branch, and i fixed all issues in the PR: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/17349

Can cocos2d-x 3.14.1 load the .csb file that generated from the latest Cocos Studio ?

If not, how can I upgrade the flat command in the latest Cocos Studio ?

I answered it in https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/pull/17349#issuecomment-279629919.

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