[fix-it] iOS 'Point' type is the same as cocos2d-x 3.0 alpha 'Point'

Is some solve this problem?I got the same issue when I use cocos2d-x v3.0Beta2 + Xcode 5.1

So I had the same issue because I was using the RakNet library, just like hasbean, which itself includes MacTypes.h.

My solution was to remove the following line when I was also including RakNet headers:
using namespace cocos2d;
and then make all the cocos2d calls using cocos2d::

EDIT: and donā€™t forget to include MacTypes.h (or whatever headers using it) before you include cocos2d.h.

There really isnā€™t any problem if you get in the habit of doing cocos2d::

This is why `using namespace ā€¦``` is a bad idea, it leads to ambiguity by nature.

Iā€™ve had the mactypes.h problem once and removing it solved the issue.

I have same problem when #import <Parse/Parse.h> or Exitgame Photon header files? Can you explain the solution: .cpp donā€™t include .mm head file(.h), I do not use .mm header file (.h) in my .cpp file.

I also change my code to coco2d::Rect/Point but the problem is in cocos2d sdk code like Sprite, Node ā€¦

anyway i can fix this .
im trying to add https://github.com/hiepnd/Screw

im using cocos2d 3.3 with levelhelper 2

Try to include ā€œchipmunk.hā€ only in your cpp file and the ā€œchipmunk.hā€ should be in the first line.