[Feedback] Setup

Hi. I’m a libGDX user.

I was really happy when I saw the functionnalities of cocos2d (in my case js). But, I encountered some problems at the installation.

First, I installed the Coco IDE. At start, I have to get the SDK, NDK and Ant, so I found them on Google and downloaded them. Finally It looks like I don’t have the good versions of these files (except Ant).

So I created a cocos2d-js project without these settings to start learning how to use the framework, but I found another problem : there is no auto completion. Then I made some search and Google and find nothing to solve my problem.

I tried to create the project with the cocos2d tool to put it on Eclipse but it was so hard that I abandoned.

Later, I downloaded Cocos from curiosity and I found that the SDK and the NDK are downloadable in this plateforme. I would have never guessed.

Now, I can’t code without auto-completion. :confused:

LibGDX was really easy to install compared to Cocos2d-x, and I’m very surprised to see all these problems.

Some suggestions :

  • Fix this auto-completion issue
  • Put a SDK, NDK, ANT auto downloader in the IDE
  • Make the installation simple

Thanks for reading. I hope you will consider my remarks and your community will grow.

I don’t know about Auto-completion as I use C++ under Visual Studio but I think that installation is quite easy.
I have downloaded and extracted SDK and NDK and then simply given the path in Cocos. As far as the Ant it is already set up when you installed cocos framework.

I think ndk and sdk are separated things and the user has to be able to choose which one fits him.
About autocompletion: Cocos IDE v2 code completion

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