Failed Android build: "error: relocation overflow in R_ARM_THM_CALL"

I have the same issue in cocos2d-js 3.3. android-21 ndk10c

Here my log:

/tmp/ndk-user/tmp/gnu-libstdc++/static-armeabithumb-4.9/include/ext/concurrence.h:219: error: relocation overflow in R_ARM_THM_CALL
/tmp/ndk-user/tmp/gnu-libstdc++/static-armeabithumb-4.9/include/bits/basic_string.h:249: error: relocation overflow in R_ARM_THM_CALL
/tmp/ndk-user/tmp/gnu-libstdc++/static-armeabithumb-4.9/include/bits/basic_string.h:249: error: relocation overflow in R_ARM_THM_CALL
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make.exe: *** [obj/local/armeabi/] Error 1
make.exe: Leaving directory `.../frameworks/runtime-src/'

Iā€™m trying to figure this out but no luck until now.

@festival what is your log?

@festival i solved just append LOCAL_ARM_MODE := arm in
../frameworks/js-bindings/bindings/ and

I not tested with x86, but who cares?

Look at, and the posts above ā€¦

Now i facing this problem Building apk command error (THE QUOTE ERROR), but it a complete different one.

The solution with NDK 10d is:


plus (!!)



Then it compiles for target android-19 and it works