Facebook plugin - error "Share failed, dialog not supported: feed_dialog"

I just did a login and post. here’s the code

void layer_basic_t::facebook_login()

if (FacebookAgent::getInstance()->isLoggedIn())
CCLOG(“already login in”);
FacebookAgent::getInstance()->login([=](int ret, std::string& msg)
CCLOG(“type is %d, msg is %s”, ret, msg.c_str());


void layer_basic_t::facebook_post()

FacebookAgent::FBInfo params;

params.insert(std::make_pair(“name”, “Word Build”));
params.insert(std::make_pair(“caption”, “Word Build”));
params.insert(std::make_pair(“description”, “Sharing Word Build image”));
params.insert(std::make_pair(“link”, url));
params.insert(std::make_pair(“picture”, “http://www.space-research.org/games/wordbuild/word_build_tablet.png”));

if (FacebookAgent::getInstance()->canPresentDialogWithParams(params))
FacebookAgent::getInstance()->dialog(params, [=](int ret, std::string& msg)
CCLOG("%s", msg.c_str());
FacebookAgent::getInstance()->share(params, [=](int ret ,std::string& msg)
CCLOG("%s", msg.c_str());


Did you get answer for why the canPresentDialogWithParams is coming false , even if the app is there on device ??

I am facing the same problem

Facing the same problem. Any updates?
EDIT: for me it was share_photo being supposed to be sharePhoto. Now my problem is that sharing photos gets stuck while uploading (the loading bar continuously bounces back and forth).

Then you had the same problem as me (I think the sample code is wrong?).
The code from this thread worked for me: